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Edited by Lazy: 11/18/2018 4:03:17 AM

How Bungie can save Destiny 2. A Destiny veteran and experienced gamer's opinion.

I am a Destiny veteran and an experienced gamer, I love Destiny but currently there is many issues preventing it from reaching its potential. Here is what needs to change, based on my experience playing Destiny 1 and 2 and the opinions and experiences of everyone I have met playing this game. Destiny 2 has made a step in the right direction with Forsaken, however there is much that needs to change that would maintain the community and promote its growth. The lack or regular balance updates and some key problems currently are condemning the game to stagnate and thus fail, Bungie and the producers of Destiny 2 listen up, and listen well, if you take on board what I have to say you can save Destiny 2 and in the process make heaps more revenue (which is your primary goal as a company). I will begin with the biggest concerns first and then list off a bunch of changes that should be made to both PVP and PVE. The PVE side of Destiny 2 is the best it has ever been, so much to do and collect, albeit there could always be more. However, the PVP side of the game is severely flawed and this is where the game is failing. A multiplayer game needs to have a good PVP side, this is where you can maintain player interest as a fun and competitive multiplayer game can be played endlessly. Primary issues: - This is the biggest and most influential problem with Destiny 2's multiplayer: A lack of consistent and highly regular balance updates, without these the game reaches stagnant metas with a few broken subclasses, weapons and exotic armor pieces dominating the playing field. Players are leaving D2 rapidly because they are sick of the current pulse rifle, AoS, Not forgotten, Nova warp, blade barrage, shotgun and heavy meta. Not complaining about this meta, just noting what is currently meta, certain things will always be the most effective at any given point, thats what continuous balancing is about, not allowing your game to stagnant. Your game is currently boring, we are sick of getting killed by the same weapons and abilities, mix it up to make the game interesting. - Prioritise making destiny on console 60 FPS and reduce the ridiculous aim assist levels, makes the game require very little skill PVP issues and what needs to change: - introduce regular balance updates, at least fortnightly to maintain a non-stagnating meta - make heavy spawn once a game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is just stupid, you need to change heavy, your game is currently broken with heavy spawning as regularly as it does. - players only spawn with special at the beginning of the game, and need to pick special up from crates, like at the end of D1 - reduce animation times for things like placing a rift or barricade and throwing grenades, the game just feels too sluggish - buff player movement speed, primarily left to right movement to make strafing more rewarding for higher skilled players - bring back titan and more effective warlock skating, both those classes are severely under powered, hunters dominate multiplayer with their movement abilities - increase in air accuracy for all weapons, should even consider making it 100% accurate, I feel scarred every time I jump into the air because i essentially cannot fight back, unless im using a shotgun or a handcannon (which have acceptable in air accuracy) - your competitive game type is a joke, you need to make heavy only spawn once a game and make it 3v3 - make a 3v3 playlist, ie. bring back skirmish ect. - make duos always available, what a great game mode - most of your PVP maps feel terrible, way too cramped (which promotes shotgunning) for 6v6, I would suggest making some bigger maps for 6v6, and using the smaller maps for a 3v3 mode that you should prioritise making - rework subclass trees, gives us freedom to choose what perks we want As for what needs to change from this current meta: - nerf nova warp: too high damage, too large AOE, last too long - pulse rifles needs a damage nerf - autos needs a damage buff - blade barrage shouldnt give a damage reduction to the player using it - reduce the tracking on sentinel shield throw, abilities that give people kills are just bad for PVP games (things like colony and sentinel shield throw) - telesto needs a range and damage reduction; place more emphasis on placing the projectiles as traps (makes it feel unique) - significantly rework shotguns, maybe make them harder to hit, ie, you need to be more precise to be rewarded with a kill, they are just too easy to use - significantly reduce flinch on all weapons, especially snipers, maybe even remove flinch from the game - nerf one eyed mask for titans, that thing is ridiculous PVE issues: On the whole the PVE side of the game is pretty good, however here is a few suggestions: - make all guns able to roll with random perks, gives incentive to play older content - reduce RNG from seals, I have been grinding sleeper nodes for 18 kelvin for too long - This is a hard issue to fix, but your open world feels terribly empty, lifeless, repetitive an predictable. There is no joy found in going into patrol, where your world feels dead and the same small number of dumb AI spawn in the same areas. - rework your AI, the enemies feel so dumb, almost like they are dummies that just have aimbot - Another huge issue, is your story hasn't progressed at all in 4 years, you have created an amazing world that you could take in multiple interesting directions, but all that has happened in 4 years is a bunch of lifeless expansions that just presents a new threat that we easily defeat, progress your story, tell us something about the traveller, about the guardians, move the story forward. Thank you for listening, anyone that wants to save D2 should upvote this so we can bring it to Bungie's attention and help save D2. Bungie please you need to prioritise a making a PVP balancing team that regularly balances the multiplayer, this is what is causing you to lose players.

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