So I've been planning this for about a week. If majority doesn't agree with this, just ask me to add a user to a specific alignment or change a user already placed.
Lawful Good: BurningViper, Cell-3, Liam_Gue
Neutral Good: XombieXronad, Artemis
Chaotic Good: HammerFist, XombieXronad (You join this one now), Agent Smith
Lawful Neutral: Krishnas' Prophet, TheGreatAdidas, ECCHO SIERRA, HoTh, Agent Wyoming
True Neutral: Slim Slimy, LahDsai
Chaotic Neutral: deatheater200, Darth Turtle, Agent N157, Engrapadora
Lawful Evil: Mad Max, Princess Anomaly (yep, I added her)
Neutral Evil: Saitonia (Yep, I added myself. I just seem like it), (looks like deatheater can join this alignment as well)
Chaotic Evil: stonebrixxx2, Krishnas Prophet, DINO DELUSIONAL (who knows this user?), NIL
I might make another list of users in another Offtopic Alignment Chart soon. Do you agree with these?
Cool idea