originally posted in:Clan Finder
Hello, im looking to make some friends in game to play with. Im pretty new to the game and would like to learn more. Im almost everyday active during week days 16-24 and weekends 24/7.
PSN: cykz94
Thanks in advance !
(PS4) "BROWN EYE DESTROYERS" currently recruiting more members. Are you a chill active gamer 21 or older whom has a good mature sense of humor....... Well if you are then this wonderful clan just might be for you. -The majority of our clan is in the eastern and central time zones / we currently have approximately 50 members / most if not all of us are older individuals with families so we understand the restraints that may occure with real life with that being said it is expected for you to get on atleast 1 or 2 times a week if something in life occurs just message one of the admins and let us know. *Full discolsure our clan uses discord it is required to download and be active on discord. I truly believe in order for a clan to grow and remain active all of its members must be active in communicating with one and other* My psn: divineprod1gy (if you meet said requirements and are interested in joining the family reply to post or send me a message on psn I will respond within 24 hours.)
Defy Extinction “What I will take from you will allow my kind to Defy Extinction.” Requirements: - PS4 | 18+ | 600 | U.S. - Active (multiple days a week) - Raid Clears: 3+ Last Wish OR 7+ Spire of Stars 15+ Eater of Worlds 5+ Prestige Leviathan 20+ Leviathan - Discord app knowledge a must - Use the Bungie, Ishtar and Discord apps ritualistically - Own the Annual Pass or pre-ordered the next Expansion - Functioning Microphone and Headset, no exceptions Please join our Discord server before being approved: http://defyextinction.com
Edited by Vysi: 11/21/2018 5:45:04 PMhttps://youtu.be/T44U0aTh90o "Loyalty is Everything" Tired of hunting for LFG groups and being that solo player in the crucible up against full teams? Take control of your Destiny experience and join xAllegiancex today! We are a PlayStation, XBox and PC clan with divisions and players worldwide. There are events on our calendar for everyone in all time zones: • Leviathan Normal and Prestige • Eater of Worlds • Spire of Stars • Last Wish • Escalation Protocol runs • Blind Well runs • Shattered Throne runs • Training raids for those new to raiding. • Crucible events, Iron Banner events, tournaments... • Speedrun raids, flawless raids... • Member Discord chat servers!!! Everybody is welcome, from those less experienced that need help to those more experienced that like to help others... all in a fun, positive atmosphere! Join today @ [url=https://www.xallegiancex.com] www.xallegiancex.com[/url] or reply to this message and I’ll help get you started 😊 ~V