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Clan Recruitment

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originally posted in:Clan Finder
11/22/2018 1:57:08 AM

Looking for Clan, have been solo player

I have been a solo player ever since changing from xbox to ps4 for destiny 2. Have been a day one destiny player. I'm a competent player that is looking for a clan to do raids, gambit and crucible. I'm inbetween a casual and serious player

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  • We're all on PC ! Join [b]Amigos Favoritos [AF][/b]

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  • Defy Extinction “What I will take from you will allow my kind to Defy Extinction.” Requirements: - PS4 | 18+ | 600 | U.S. - Active (multiple days a week) - Raid Clears: 3+ Last Wish OR 7+ Spire of Stars 15+ Eater of Worlds 5+ Prestige Leviathan 20+ Leviathan - Discord app knowledge a must - Use the Bungie, Ishtar and Discord apps ritualistically - Own the Annual Pass or pre-ordered the next Expansion - Functioning Microphone and Headset, no exceptions Please join our Discord server before being approved:

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  • Hey there MurphysNewLaw! 5x5 is a friendly cross-console clan with over 94 members from all over the world. We looking to add experienced guardians to run Raids, Competitive, Gambit, Protocols and the Blind Well with the clan. We also ask that you don't mind helping other members out by acting as a guide. At this time we are only seeking guardians with 580+ Power Level, 7+ Raid clears [i][b]or[/b][/i] 1.3+ KD. We are also accepting New Players eligible for the [url=]Refer-A-Friend[/url] program. [quote]5x5 also does have a few requirements to maintain membership: 1) You must be active on with Destiny 2 on Bungie's servers at least once every [i]two months[/i]. If you're inactive longer than 2 months, you're out. 2) We require you use the Destiny Companion app and post at least once every [i]two months[/i] through our private clan forum. 3) Keep the conversation in parties and game chats appropriate and polite. Negativity and disrespect are not tolerated.[/quote] [i]‘Five by five’[/i] is a radio term meaning, [i]‘I read you loud and clear.’[/i] Five by five therefore means a signal that has excellent strength and perfect clarity. For more information on our clan, check out our FAQ at [url=][/url] Request to join 5x5 at Please reply in the [url=]5x5 Clan Recruitment Thread[/url] once you request to join or if you have any questions.

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  • ALPHA SINGULARITY [ALPS] "The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war." We are The Alpha. The Guardians Of Whats Right. Friendly And Helpful. Things You need for joining 1: Add One of these, ArcAdeyS, TagHunt or MONOcloud 2:Mic is Optional But we highly Recommend it. 3: Any Platform You will begin as a Beginner until you earn 5000 exp for clan. Then you will be promoted to Member after a week of joining. You can take part in everything. We will make you admin if you get nominated and helpful to us. Peace. 1: BE Friendly No Swearing Allowed. 2: Any power and level can join it does not matter. 3: No Trolling And griefing. For What you can be Banned For 1: Permanent Ban on Trolling 2: Banned For a week for abusing. Approval Required Membership requires approval. 4 Members Created 11/18/2018

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  • [PS4] KDG Thanksgiving Recruitment Raids | Crucible | Gambit | Blind Well The members make the clan, and without the members there would be no clan! Whether your a first timer or a vet from D1 - D2 we appreciate your presence! We make sure to acknowledge and communicate with all new and current members. We are currently going through the ranks and make sure that everyone has raid experience which include: >Leviathan Normal/Prestige >EOW Normal/Prestige >SOS Normal/Prestige >Last Wish This weekend we will be working on getting Spire Of Stars (SOS) clears for first timers and or more experienced for those who want it! KDG focuses on the quality of its membership! So if you want a diverse, team building, and chill clan I would say we are one step in the right direction. At the end of the day the choice is yours make the best decision for yourself. Our only requirement is that you join our Discord Server: Clan Link:

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  • We are a small clan on PC starting on destiny 2. I am at 542 with my titan getting ready for raids. I play daily. Check us out. We need more guardians. We are 20+ mature, respectful gamers.

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