Edit 3: My final edit for those who can't seem to bother themselves with reading the link in Edit 1
(Don’t engage in fraud or unauthorized transactions. For example, don't:
Lend, transfer, sell, or otherwise provide third parties access to your accounts or Gamertags
Access or attempt to access accounts that you do not own
Purchase memberships, games, gift cards, account credit, or content from unauthorized parties
Attempt to use or share fraudulent methods for getting memberships, games, gift cards, account credit, content, or hardware
Use your account to trade services or in-game content for memberships, games, gift cards, account credit, or content
Resell or redistribute any part of Xbox Live)
Edit 2: I don't have all day to respond to the toxic mess that is a good chunk of this community, Bungie is violating the TOS regardless of your opinions, personal attacks, trolling, and strawman arguments. I'm finished responding to and moderating posts.
The "it's not affecting you" argument is ridiculous, and can easily justify whatever your deluded mind wants it to.
Edit: Bungie, by not enforcing the Microsoft terms of service you are at fault. Every single account used to advertise third party services through your own site and app is another example of your double standard and disregard for the rules.
I made a post recently calling out Bungie on their inactive enforcement of the terms of service against blatant advertising of paid carries and recoveries and called out a specific twitch streamer as one of the guilty parties along with claiming Bungie did not have the balls to enforce their own terms of service unless it's us regular players and fans.
Well it happened, action was taken against me by censoring said players name along with a threat that I was harrasing said person by posting this, meanwhile the party in question along with hundreds if not thousands openly practices blatant disregard for the terms of service every day with no repercussions of any kind. I could react negatively and be combative but at this point it's not even worth it. It's good to know theirs such a thing as protected classes when it comes to following the rules.
My former post was closed and marked as answered as damage control and I was directed to a link to report said person just so that this topic could be ignored and I would hopefully get over it. I don't regret posting it one bit. For the first time that I've personally seen people actually had a conversation about something we all see and ignore and I'm tired of it being an openly okay form of hypocrisy when it comes to following the rules. As a Destiny 1 veteran I'd like to hope I have some pull when I say Bungie get your act together and actually enforce your own rules and please stop with this double standard.
[spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to #Feedback forum so that other Destiny players can weigh in. [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/139533839/0/0] See Cozmo's thread here[/url] for more information about the #Feedback tag and its uses.
Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]
"If it promotes more Destiny gameplay, then we unofficially support this" -Bungie
Dude. Get a life and stop worrying about what others are doing.
Edited by Entity: 11/28/2018 12:07:23 PMPretty sure you just don't want noobs with Lunas howls lmao, it's no biggie when someone sucks doesn't matter what weapons they use. I don't see paid Carrie's as an issue, only time it really annoyed me is when trials was still up, as I fought against many of the same groups with a new gamertag or two. Still though, let people spend money how they want, this truthfully doesn't really ruin the game for me nor should it ruin it for you. I do understand that you find that argument shitty but its something to really take into account. Kinda like I saw one comment, it's like complaining that a little girl is selling water without a permit and calling the cops, like you aren't a hero, their isn't a crazy epidemic of millions of paid Carry's, and accounts recovs, hell I'm sure If you were to put it in percentage it's like less then 3% of the community that actually pay for people to play the game for them Besides people who pay for others to play the game they paid for is already enough of a punishment haha its absolutely pathetic, and pointless.
Edited by draycole: 11/28/2018 9:02:05 AM[u] First question [/u] How do you prove someone is doing a paid carry and not just a couple friends playing on each other's accounts or friends helping each other out? [u] Second question [/u] Does bungie have domain over websites that advertise paid carries? Are they able to shut down or influence sites that aren't bungie.net [u] Third question [/u] If the team doing the carry isn't manipulating the system(ddossing and the like) Is it technically even against the terms of service. Unless bungie can present hard evidence that the exchange of money was specifically for the purpose of doing the carry, there's nothing they can go on. The person paying could just say it was a donation. Ad is unrelated to the service provided. [u] Fourth question. [/u] Do you think Bungie would put forth the funds and effort needed for a decent legal case against these people?
Edited by reenry: 11/29/2018 3:09:55 AMAh yes, because Bungie has control over Microsoft and third party software. Im pretty sure when you clicked a box that says "AGREE TO THE TERMS OF SERVICE" you should know what that means. You cannot get salty for violating Bungie ToS, it was your fault you name and shamed and has been part of ToS since god knows how long. The xbox link you posted is for THE XBOX CUSTOMER and youre private safety, Bungie cant enforce that. Also, did you know Bungie works on other platforms? Cheaters arent exclusive to Destiny, and you arent going to take out every recov in the world.
this is the most BUTTHURT post ever. who even cares? Like dude, im grinding weeks for nothing...i could give a crap who wants to pay who
The worst part is that quite a few of them are hackers or ddosers and bungie ignores this.
What's really interesting is after the reset, I have yet to experience an instance of DDoSing. I swear, before it was every 4 or 5 games, no joke. It was like clockwork, every time I queued with a team that was winning I had to worry about it, the first after round screen would last for an oddly long amount of time and after that, without fail, one of my team mates would "mysteriously" get kicked and we would loose the match because of it.
Edited by JBODST75: 11/29/2018 12:33:44 AMYea I got to get the heck out of here.
I was just having a conversation with a paid recovery guy yesterday. He wanted $100 to carry. No way to report these people.
Idk why people are actually attempting to argue against something like this. It’s literally the law. They shouldn’t be violating it.
I tried a similar post with evidence showing a YouTuber that was using a second low rank account to land them in matches with total newbies and also got attacked. I went through the proper reporting channels and nothing. I did several months of research to ensure I wasn't mistaken.
Bungie is in the process of adding more micro-transactions and ways to monetize this game because they aren't making enough money for Activision. Do you really think they are going to devote resources to something as small as this problem?
TOS also says gambling is illegal yet MS and Sony have no problem allowing Activi$ion to use Xbox One and PS4 as their own gaming casino. Those who do paid carriers/recoveries aren’t any more complicit than MS and Sony.
You violated the board rules by naming a specific person. All threads of that nature get ninja'd. What did you expect?
Despite the varying responses given here I am thankful for it actually being spoken about out in the open instead of being ignored. To all of those who have participated RESPECTFULLY I thank you even if we don't agree.
Edited by Lyrro: 11/28/2018 12:33:56 PMPaid carries wouldn't be nearly as big an issue if Bungie started actively taking steps to deal with cheaters. Since so many of the carriers rely on cheating; network manipulation, ddos, etc. the population of carriers would greatly plummet if carriers didn't have the confidence that comes from knowing that Bungie couldn't care less if they cheat. Start perma banning repeat offenders and there go group carries. After enough people who pay for carries come to the forums crying because they paid for a carry and got banned because their carrier cheated, the number of people willing to pay for carries will dwindle. ... but we know this wont happen. Despite it being easy enough to track cheaters based on their game history, Bungie has proven that they fully condone cheating at this point.
As long as there will be people willing to pay, recoveries won't stop.
I agree with you. It’s all pathetic and is supposed to be not allowed but bungie doesn’t do anything. It needs to be publicly done not privately so we know they are doing something.
Edited by John: 11/28/2018 11:24:18 AMOP has a point but it is getting diluted like every palpable idea in this forum by a group of child minded people, so many quality post get lost on account of morons saying"git gud", "shit internet" " this childish stop complaining" grow up ppl and start helping each other since Bungo only shits on our head and wipes its ass with our money. Op has the right to express his opinion without being badgered , if you dont agree with OP try something new, be polite wile saying you dont agree try to understand OP reasons for saying whatever he/she saying... not that hard . Sick of this toxic community in the Forum OP got up voted because he is correct ,from the moment it infringes the law measures should be taken if we player see this so does bungie and i guarantee you that they have tools at their disposal we do not. For those players who say "stop complaining" i feel for you , you dont see the real state of the game behind the game(Bungo does not care about us or he game only $$$) or you are choosing not to see what is happening with your investment which is actually a lot worse...(we paid around 150/180$, that we do not own, for a video game that started to be on point 1 year after release... this is insane, and we are still being charge by for every slice.) Well why would bungo change anything they are making shit loads of money so in their eyes the model works
Dude. It's ok. You remind me of the people who report kids for selling lemonade without a permit.
Please forgive me What exactly is a "recovery"?
Cool, another new sheriff in town.
Upvoted. a while ago I made a thread that paid carries and recovs are a serious issue for the game. https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/249575297?page=0&sort=0&showBanned=0&path=1 My estimations come to the conclusion that up to 40% of Not Forgotten users obtained it illegally. Realizing this I won´t even touch the swamp comp has become.
Edited by Boss_KADA: 11/28/2018 12:55:09 PM“Being a jerk is not a bannable offense” said a mod. Struck me down before for outing abusers. Never gonna change
As long as they make their check they don't care. They should really mass ban account recovery. SMDH