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Surf a Flood of random discussion.
Edited by JonnyMadDog1: 11/28/2018 9:27:48 PM


It's NOT a borders/migrant/immigrant/refugee problem, it's dam near everything BUT that/those! It's a CITIZENSHIP PROBLEM (not everyone within this stupd country needs to be a citizen, anyone can buy, sell, trade, entertain, be entertained, work, live peacefully as neighbors, etc.). It's a WELFARE PROBLEM!!! (GET RID OF THE WELFARE STATE/REWORK SHYT REQUIREMENTS. VOLUNTARISM >>>>>> ALL.) It's a SELF-DEFENSE PROBLEM!!! (WHERE R GUHNS BEHIND EVERY BLADE OF GRASS, THE REASON THE EMPROR BACK EEST SAID 'E COULDN'T/WOULDN'T/SHOULDN'T INVADE THE USSA DECADES AGO!) It's a VOTING PROBLEM!!! (easily solved by receipts, blockchain tech/zero trust tech, paper ballots, NOT VOTING AT ALL, ETC., ALSO, WHO SAYS THEY'LL ALLLLLL VOTE DEMOCRIP AND NOT REBLOODLICAN AND WHY IS IT A BINARY CHOICE? IT'S JUST PARTY POLITICS, GERRYMANDERING, AND FEAR PR0N PUBLICITY STUNTS, IMMIGRATION IS LIKE ISSUE NUMBER TWELVE FOR THIS USER, THERE'S MORE IMPORTANT SHYT TO WORRY ABOUT!!!) It's a DISCRIMINATION PROBLEM/RIGHT TO VOLUNTARILY ASSOCIATE/DISASSOCIATE PROBLEM!!! (One does NOT HAVE to be served in muh restaurant, eye have the Right to not serve yuh if yr blak, whyt, male, female, in the nude, muzzie, gewy, etc.!!!) It's a CURRENCY PROBLEM (Those who control the money supply/ the Central Banks, control the world, slaves give power to psychopaths, eliminate the need to become a sociopath and the freedom and self-sufficiency to hinder psychopathy and use multiple forms of payment, some even decentralized and anonymous, and people will use their own currency in their own communities, and not crash world currencies some arbitrary social construct says eye have to use to pay and be paid in!!! Accept crypto, bills, (fiat petrodollars weren't intended to be inflated as such and used as currency, btw, according to legend) gold, silver, sea shells, sea shells, by the sea shore, BLOWJAWBZ, ETC..)!!! It's a ZONING/LAND PROBLEM!!! (There's PLENTY of LAND and EVEN SEA, Look up seasteading the likes of Blu Horizn and the Friedmn's are getting into, very Buckminstr Fullr-esque, think The Spy who luvd mself 007 movie) It's a PRIVATE PROPERTY vs. COMMUNAL PROPERTY PROBLEM!!! (Communal property does not work, it is inneffective, innefficient, has no virtue, merit, is costly, and unsecure compared to private property, WHAT IS MEYN IS MEYN AND WHAT IS YORS IS YORS, THERE IS NO OUHRS, THERE IS NO WI, THERE IS ONLY YUH AND MSELF!!! Even Aristotl understood this.) It's an EMPLOYMENT PROBLEM!!! (Many businesses leave/left for greenr pastures like prowrestling orgs due to independent contractor status and how they operate based upon such and many people go on welfare because they HAVE to because of employer restrictions and regulations, it's muh OWN DAM BUSINESS!!!) It's a CULT-URE PROBLEM!!! (make better music videos!!! Politics is DOWNstream from culture, whether race/IQ tethered or not are upstream from that is irrelevant because ultimately environment is upstream from and the source of all of these and a rising tide of liberty lifts all ships on those lower tributaries!!! BTW, FWIW, if muzzies, blax, and brwnies have such low IQs, why are they more of a threat than high IQ Gews in more positions of power and wealth yet aren't talked about???? Even Asianz committed genocide and that bulshyt doesn't seem to apply to NK'ers when alt ryty leftists (yr NOT right, btw, yr LEFTISTS, FIGHTING WITH LEFTISTS, FIGHTING WITH LEFTISTS, FIGHTING WITH LEFTISTS, OLD AND YOUNG)!!!) IT'S A WORKER EDUCATION/SKILL PROBLEM!!! (The Fedrl Government NEVER had it in its purview to create and maintain jobs!!!!!!!!!! Interference doesn't WORK!!!! WHO will do the jobs most don't WANT/shouldn't EXIST!?!?!?!?! The problem is letting/making/incentivizing those JOBS to become CAREERS for FAMILY PAYCHECKs for some when they were itended to be temporary and for immigrants and teenagers and old fahrts looking for something to do and quittrs!!!! While their shyt is worked on irl!!! THERE SHOULD BE NO MINIMUM WAGE!!!!!! THAT ONLY MAKES THE RICH RICHER AND POOR POORER!!! UPWARD MOBILITY IS STIFLED THEN!!!!) It's a DOUBLE-EDGED SWORD AND OBSOLETE TODAY BY WAY OF TECHNOLOGY!!! (WHAT IF EYE WANNA LEAVE? Eye can have and carry muh property anywhere on Earth where eye'm invited or not homesteaded by another as private property like a Pkemohn or Fnl Fntsy iteration and walls work BOTH WAYS, what if eye wanna leave and don't wanna go thru T S A or the border??? Eye don't NEED yr permission to leave. That's just a prison with clouds and trees, but STILL A PRISON!!! Prisn Planet muh butt, more like Prisn Country!!! The """bahd guiz""" will just still import whomever for nefarious purposes by plane or boat, and one can get to 'merica as a commie exile from Cubuh over some water yet even if not a crimnl is considered one by crossing over land elsewhere, that's bulshyt and inconsistent. Eye don't need a passport or visa and they don't care down there, there's SHYTTONS of undocumented westrns/'mericans/whyties in Mxico and many more who wish to leave, who r yuh to say this is the greatest country or state on Earth and assume EVERY1 wants to come here and NO ONE wants to leave??????? What if eye wanna come back? There IS NO FEDRL GUMMIT AND NO COMMUNAL PROPERTY, WHAT HAPPENED TO DEFERRING TO sTATES POWERS!?!?!?! N M, T X, C A L, A R I Z, CAN ALL hve different policies by consent of the governed!!!) IT SHOULD ALL BE SUBSCRIPTION, NOT CONSCRIPTION!!! CITIZENSHIP SHOULD BE SUBSCRIPTION, BENEFITS, LIKE A COSTKO CARD OR GAMSTOP PLAYR'S CLUB CARD, TAXATION IS IMMORAL AND THEFT!!! BY DEFINITION THAT IT IS INVOLUNTARY, TAXES ARE, OTHERWISE THE PROPER TERM WOULD BE SUBSCRIPTON!!! When crowded together people start to risk losn agency and rationality and reason, when free they can be more so, as A y n R a n d said, These Two, Reason and Freedom and reciprocal. There IS no such thing as SECURITY, there is NO SUCH THING AS ABSOLUTE SECURITY, only peace-of-mind triggers vs. others, a tyranny of the minority or majority and ALL three forms of Playto's State form government DO NOT WORK so long as there is scarcity in this world and it's involuntary!!! Solve scarcity thru free market innovation, protectionism is NOT free market, and render such systems obsolete. Democracy = every idiot tells yuh what to do, oligarchy = handful or two of idiots or evl geniuses tell yuh what to do for 'em, tyranny = one idiot/evl genius tells yuh what to do, and really all of these are oligarchies in disguise if not outright and forthright about it!!! WHAT is this fit of consequential absolutism brought about by fallacious bald assertions from fallacious circular reasoning and false equivalencies from fallacious assumed paradigms!?!?!?!??! Where is the critical thinking and thinking outside the box!?!?!?! Babyboomerz are incapable of thinking outside the box it seems, libtrd or conservitrd forms. There ARE alternatives, AND CHEAPER AND QUICKER TOO, so GET TO WORK ON THOSE NOW, ATTACK THE WHYS NOT THE HOWS!!! GET RID OF THE DETH PENALTY, IT's TOO EXPENSIVE!!! NOOOOO IT'S NOT HYPOCRITICAL TO LIVE IN A GATED COMMUNITY OR HAVE LOCKS ON A FRONT DOOR ETC., EYE HAAAAYT THAT EGREGIOUS TROTSKEEITE CHOMSKEEITE 'LYNSKIITE, BULSHYT FALSE EQUIVALENCY!!! Read a book, turn off yr fake news of whatever flavor, and go outside n play and sort yrselvs out!!! IT'S A FREEDOM PROBLEM!!!

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