originally posted in:Clan Finder
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So my clan is small and it appears that I'm the only one who does clan bounties. Half my clan doesn't even play so we don't get anywhere. I would like to join a new clan that has a lot of active members and want to do all sorts of activities. Pvp and pve, I like to do everything and play often. I main a warlock if that matters and dabble with the other classes from time to time.
Hey our clan might be of interest to you. Guardians For Guardians are a community lead group with a number of successful and active PC and PS4 divisions (400+ members) already. We are now looking to make G4G Hydra our new Xbox division just as active and thriving! This is where we need you guys... it doesn’t matter if you’re a seasoned raid veteran, a weekly flawless trials player or a player who only bought the game last week and is looking for help getting through a nightfall or strike, we are the guardians you’re looking for. Our goal is to foster a strong community spirit, we believe this is done through active participation in clan events and communication, be it the aforementioned raid, crucible or strikes, G4G offer all players who wish for something more than a weekly engram a place at its table. We are not interested in players who simply wish to tag hop or sit back each week for engrams and as such, we make a few simple requests of all prospective members which are intended to encourage engagement. 1. Like this post 2. Join G4G Hydra [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3506178]XBOX - G4G Hydra[/url] 3. Join our discord server via this [url=https://discord.gg/rqxGRZT]invite code[/url] (note you will enter a waiting room to start off with) 4. A invite to our website will be sent which you will need to accept. So, if you want to be part of a vibrant, healthy and most importantly, active Destiny clan, Guardians For Guardians is a good place to be. We will not abandon you, we will not leave you high and dry. Eyes up, Guardian.