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Clan Recruitment

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originally posted in:Clan Finder
11/28/2018 7:39:13 PM

Looking for ps4 pve clan

I'm a fairly casual player and fairly skilled, mostly solo because I dont have many friends on PS4, looking for a clan to get me into higher level group content and challenge me without being mandatory for me to play 8 hours a night

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  • [PS4] Must own Destiny 2: Forsaken Clan made Sept 18, 2018 Daily and weekly quests, bounties, and any help needed. Daily strikes Weekly raids, PvE, and Crucible. D2 Schedule Monday: Recruit and help Tuesday: Strikes, bounties, and help Wednesday: Grind and help Thursday: Raid and help Friday: Crucible, gambit, and help Saturday: Help Sunday: Help Help as in help other clan mates with anything Real life comes first, but be on as much as possible No other requirements, just have fun

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