originally posted in:Clan Finder
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I am looking for a casual clan that is rather flexible around noon MST.
[url=https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20181130T190000&p1=tz_mt&p2=tz_ct&p3=tz_gmt&p4=tz_et&p5=tz_pt]Timezone Matchups[/url]
My schedule to help give people a better idea of raid timings and stuff.
I work full time, and get 1-2 days off a week. I normally close from 2-10pm and am up around 8am or 10am. If I open then there is no chance of noon time working out, although I am off at 7pm. I usually stay up till around 1am.
I have Forsaken, Annual Pass, and a set of Corsair Void Pro RGB for gaming and voice chatting with.
My PSN Name is OscarXXcore
Hi, feel free to check out our clan. We're mainly UK based but have US players too. We're very active in all areas https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3199273