Its the only heavy anyone uses. It kills gambit, honestly I'm not playing a match until it atleast 2 shots to the head. Invading is pointless, everyone knows the spawn and you instantly die and holding more than 5 motes is pointless because as soon as someone invades you instantly lose them. Nobody should get 30+ guardian kill in 2 rounds with 1 gun
Edited by PkmnGymLeader: 12/2/2018 10:14:57 PMI agree with this part: [quote]Nerf the queenbreaker[/quote] But [b]NOT[/b] this part: [quote]to death[/quote] It definitely needs a nerf, but I don't want to see another weapon die just because it starts too strong. That's why the word "nerf" has a bad rap on the forums.
What's next, nerf sniper rifles because they one-hit you? I kill more people with my sniper in gambit than with Queen's. Must mean it's op. Nerf sniper.
See?!!! Nerf sleeper it's overpowered!!!! (destiny community warns Queen breaker will be next) nerf Queen breaker its overpowered!!!!! The cycle continues.......
It’s a linear it’s supposed to one shot head shot, maybe remove the fact that it 2 shot head shots in supers and we’re good but hey,
Checked your stats. Trash confirmed
[quote]Its the only heavy anyone uses. It kills gambit, honestly I'm not playing a match until it atleast 2 shots to the head.[/quote] Well then it could finally be called the queenbreakers [b]BOW[/b] ehhhhhh? EHHHHHHHH? i'll see myself out now
If an invader gets 30 + kills in a match youre garbage regardless of the gun. The only way that can happen is if they delay killing Primeval and literally farm you. That would mean they got 18+ kills after your Primeval or they spawn wiped you with a super multiple times. Either way it means youre trash Get farmed. After QB nerf it will be Thunderlord, then Wavesplitter, then everything else