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12/2/2018 12:50:52 PM

Ridiculous rng

I have been on and off with d2 for a while now, got back into it because of a friends and now I realise why I left this game, i am a d1 player put in alot of time, technically destiny was life always on 8 hours a day no matter I was working the next day, met people from all over the world who I have become very close friend to. But your rng is just so dam stupid that I don't think I will continue on to the next d3. Issue is the new bosses for the new black armoury who spawn in 2 different planets and 2 different locations within the planet, since I knew about it friday night and now is sunday grinding morning till night and I have nothing to show for what I have done for 3 days now, I understand exotics to drop less but these are not exotic guns and they shouldn't be this hard to get. I cannot vent to the real creators because they are no where to be found. Hope this gets better for everyone but I am out I spent all my life wasting it on a 8 to 12hrs a day during weekends for nothing.
#Wasted #feedback

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