Yikes. Double tube launchers is something I never would have thought to be this bad, and clearly bungie did not either. It has become extremely noticeable in crucible thanks to the Mountaintop quest, and has allowed people with little to no skill or aim in the crucible to effortlessly glide to the top of the lobby. The ability to have Militia's Birthright and Fighting Lion equipped at the same time needs to be changed. It is one thing to die to a "tagged by FL and finished by Hand cannon" over a "tagged by MBirthright and finished by FL". And that isn't even mentioning 1Eye Mask users! like dang! the ability for milita's to one shot without a direct impact is completely beyond me. The damage and blast radius needs to be toned down on that gun, as well as removal from the kinetic slot. In my personal opinion, this is the worst crucible has been in either game's history and something needs to change. Like I said, I believe that Milita's needs to be completely removed from the kinetic slot and would potentially need to have it's damage toned down as well. Promote skillful play not "potshots". This isn't call of duty guys.
gawd, the crucible crowd and their imbalance complaints.....