Got a match with her. Was like cool, been winning games left and right, let’s see how good she really is.
As I figured with “big” youtubers, they ONLY run the OP stuff.
Kinetic: Chaperone
Energy: Luna’s Howl
Power: Crooked Fang
Super: Spectral Blades
Now my setup-
Kinetic: Hazard of the Cast (switched to Tigerspite)
Energy: Wavesplitter
Power: Edge Transit
Super: Golden Gun (6 Shooter)
Clash Results-
Enemy Team: 97
Top Player: Ms5oooWattsUS (36 - 12)
Friendly Team: 63
Top Player: An0nYm0uSxJAMSK8 (Me) (26 - 18)
Now.... I’m using a higher skill tier loadout. She is running a lower skill tier loadout. I don’t have Luna’s because I didn’t want to grind for it in the Sweatfest called Competitive. I can just imagine what life would be like if I ran OP weapons like that. I mean, I can’t say she isn’t a BAD player at all, but she’s not good either. She is on par with me. We battled it out a ton, most of the time I kicked her arse more than she did with me.
But when she would pull out her Luna’s Howl, she’d always 3-tap me. That, my friends, is the problem. We have to grind our hearts out to get one of the strongest weapons in the Crucible. Why is that? I think they need to make the Pinnacle weapons a trophy, not a bulldozer.
The new Pinnacle weapons for Season 5 are exactly how they should be. They should be there to show off to others, not overpower them. I look at these new weapons and would easily use them for a bit, then throw them on the shelf. I got the Broadsword (finally) and realize this gun struggles to take out players. The only way it’s good is when you activate the Desperado perk. This isn’t a low skill tier weapon, nor is it high. It’s just right. And that’s all it needs to be.
The Vanguard Pinnacle Fusion Rifle is only good when you get a kill with the first shot, but is gone until your next reload. The Gambit Pinnacle Weapon just fires faster each time you get a kill, and increases as you stack Rampage. Even the new Crucible Pinnacle Weapon is a grenade launcher that fires a micro missile in a straight line stupidly fast. These weapons are all trophies, not bulldozers like Luna’s Howl/Not Forgotten, AND THAT’S OKAY!
So Bungie, if you see this, FIX LUNA’S HOWL/NOT FORGOTTEN! A Precision Frame hand cannon with a perk like Magnificent Howl shouldn’t 3 shot someone within 2 seconds! Especially when it’s in the hands of a skilled player.
We’re close to trending! Keep the hate coming!
I have the utmost respect to the few that replied positively!
And I have even more respect to Ms5oooWatts. She is a great player. I bet if she were on my team, we’d have been competing to who could get the most kills before we win. (Obviously I would be the winner! Lol)
So if you see this, GG! And can I get a shoutout in the chat!?
I don't get all the Luna's hate. There are quite a few other weapons that are far more overpowered and less skill based than Luna's. The thing a lot of people who like using it like about it is getting in 1v1s versus other people who have it. It is next to impossible to kill someone in 3 shots if they are strafing.
WTF are you talking about? How do you get off insisting that you are running a "higher skill" load out when you're using an auto rifle, a trace rifle that many feel IS OP in PVP, and a grenade launcher (that probably has proximity detonation)..... ...and she's running a LOWER skill load out when she's using three weapons that all require precision shooting. Her loadout is NOT OP. Her loadout REWARDS her for having the skill to CONSISTENTLY land headshots with a shorter TTK or a longer range in the case of Chaperone. You've got that 180* backwards. She is the person who is running the higher skill loadout. ...and trust me. If she decided to truly sweat her ovaries out....she'd whip your ass. The only reason you stayed anywhere close to her is because she was probably streaming at the time, and YOU were running the more forgiving of the two loadouts.
Gets wrecked by a girl, has to flatter ego on the forums...
“Higher skill loadout” Uses wavesplitter
I mean... Wavesplitter is insane and 6 shot Goldie is great in qp. But what do you expect from a YTer? Especially on console where they have no aim.
Lol she has a loadout where she needs to hit every headshot in order to slay. Meanwhile mans is rocking a waveshitter. Yea okay buddy.
Edited by A KOOL POP TART: 12/4/2018 5:24:08 PMBrags, says buzz words to make him sound smart. Claims to have the best loadout Gets shoulder charged into a wall 10 seconds into a match.
Ladies and Gents. Posts like this one is why I enjoy the bnet forum.
What was the point of this lol
Holy crap dude. You need to understand you're not the best player in the world. Those streamers play this game for a living. It's their job. You can't compete. Just admit she beat you because she's better. Why? Because it's her job! I have a crappy 9 to 5 and don't have the personality nor drive to do what she does. It's ok.
She's not that good considering she always streams with other better players who carry her. And yes, she uses Luna because easy kills = great stream entertainment. BUNGIE made Forsaken for streamers (with entertaining the streamers' viewers in mind).
Youtubers and Steamers are not role models but most times they act like they rule the game... Calling for nerfs and overhyped for shit just... don’t buy it.
[quote]Got a match with her. Was like cool, been winning games left and right, let’s see how good she really is. As I figured with “big” youtubers, they ONLY run the OP stuff. Kinetic: Chaperone Energy: Luna’s Howl Power: Crooked Fang Super: Spectral Blades Now my setup- Kinetic: Hazard of the Cast (switched to Tigerspite) Energy: Wavesplitter Power: Edge Transit Super: Golden Gun (6 Shooter) Clash Results- Enemy Team: 97 Top Player: Ms5oooWattsUS (36 - 12) Friendly Team: 63 Top Player: An0nYm0uSxJAMSK8 (Me) (26 - 18) Now.... I’m using a higher skill tier loadout. She is running a lower skill tier loadout. I don’t have Luna’s because I didn’t want to grind for it in the Sweatfest called Competitive. I can just imagine what life would be like if I ran OP weapons like that. I mean, I can’t say she isn’t a BAD player at all, but she’s not good either. She is on par with me. We battled it out a ton, most of the time I kicked her arse more than she did with me. But when she would pull out her Luna’s Howl, she’d always 3-tap me. That, my friends, is the problem. We have to grind our hearts out to get one of the strongest weapons in the Crucible. Why is that? I think they need to make the Pinnacle weapons a trophy, not a bulldozer. The new Pinnacle weapons for Season 5 are exactly how they should be. They should be there to show off to others, not overpower them. I look at these new weapons and would easily use them for a bit, then throw them on the shelf. I got the Broadsword (finally) and realize this gun struggles to take out players. The only way it’s good is when you activate the Desperado perk. This isn’t a low skill tier weapon, nor is it high. It’s just right. And that’s all it needs to be. The Vanguard Pinnacle Fusion Rifle is only good when you get a kill with the first shot, but is gone until your next reload. The Gambit Pinnacle Weapon just fires faster each time you get a kill, and increases as you stack Rampage. Even the new Crucible Pinnacle Weapon is a grenade launcher that fires a micro missile in a straight line stupidly fast. These weapons are all trophies, not bulldozers like Luna’s Howl/Not Forgotten, AND THAT’S OKAY! So Bungie, if you see this, FIX LUNA’S HOWL/NOT FORGOTTEN! A Precision Frame hand cannon with a perk like Magnificent Howl shouldn’t 3 shot someone within 2 seconds! Especially when it’s in the hands of a skilled player. Update: We’re close to trending! Keep the hate coming! I have the utmost respect to the few that replied positively! And I have even more respect to Ms5oooWatts. She is a great player. I bet if she were on my team, we’d have been competing to who could get the most kills before we win. (Obviously I would be the winner! Lol) So if you see this, GG! And can I get a shoutout in the chat!?[/quote] The only person not complaining about how terrible the forge system is
[quote]waaaahh[/quote] [quote]wahhh[/quote] [quote]wahhh[/quote] TLDR for those not wanting to read the wall
🍼 who actually read the whole thing?
What about her loadout has less skill then you using an auto And trace rifle?
U sound like a hater
She's definitely not a good player, she gets carried to every pinnacle weapon
Stop crying. You're crying about being beat at Lunas optimal range where you could use something to outgun it in shorter or longer ranges. People like you never THINK, therefore cannot adapt and overcome.
Your problem was you were trying to use an AR against luna's. Scouts and pulses can easily beat luna's at range.
Edited by Nope: 12/4/2018 4:43:17 PMWell you're playing on PS4 so anyone with two thumbs can do well with that loadout. Plus, all three of those weapons require crits for an optimal TTK. Kind of scratching my head as to how they're low skill tier in your wavesplitting head
Ms5000 ain't even that good. Her stats are always boosted by playing with other very good players.
You used wavesplitter and called her loadout low tier? Lol wavesplitter is an animal in crucible
You complain about Luna and using Wavesplitter, which has even lower TTK then Luna? With Luna you must land 2 crits to activate perk and then hit the third one. If you dont, you will most likely be outgunned. And you're angry about her beating you with Luna, why dont you get it? It's doable solo with randoms.
[quote]I mean, I can’t say she isn’t a BAD player at all, but she’s not good either[/quote] Seriously wtf is your problem. Its totally a ridiculous comment along with extreme shade because of her loadout. (Which she earned) Because you cant get Luna everyone else should be on some sort of bell curve because they have it? You want some sort of pity points for using a non-poular loadout. Good for you bro, you're a real -blam!-ing hero. What stupid, toxic, logic.
took me 160 games to get lunas last season. solo player, sub 1 kd here. draw your conclusions. (hint, it's not that bad) but I still suck w handcannons so lunas just collects dust.