So after dumping 50+ into RDR2 and 15+ hours into online here is my opinion.
While most AAA titles offer great multiplayer and average single player rockstar have completely flipped it.
The single player is very good (there are a few large issues i have) and is something you can easily pick it up a couple of weeks later and continue off easily.
As for the multiplayer..... well its terrible, terrible economy, medicore missions, and the small issues in single player are amplified massively online.
And the sessions are broken (i have been in 3 different sessions in a row where everyone was in the same spawn region and it was always a massacre)
Overall review:
Singleplayer: 8/10
Online: 4/10
People are only complaining because of online prices Remember gta online was the same way everyone enjoyed it when they had money but when they didn’t they complained