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12/5/2018 4:58:31 PM

To Give Xur a Purpose (Kinda Long Post)

Some people have the [b]WORST[/b] RNG. When the exotics were dropping left and right before the update, you basically had all the exotics (PLUS like 4... 5 copies of each one) before the following season. But now, again... For some people. Even after completing all activities (Raid and Dreaming City stuff included), what do you get? (Just throwing a number out there) You do 12 activities and out of 12, you get 5 of the same boots, 3 of the same helmets, maybe 1 arm piece and 3 Edge Transits. Out of all the items in the loot pool, why does it seem like the loot dishing system only cycles through a handful of items. Wasn't it noted that Bungie tweaked the exotic drop system? Where the chances of you getting one you don't have would be better... Personally don't think they tweaked anything if that's the case. A buddy of mine was wearing the Geomag Stabilizers when after 3 weeks of grinding and doing all activities. Guess which exotic he got. Lol. You guessed right. The Geomag Stabilizers. (Have a cookie 🍪) Anyways, to the point. Xur still sells a Fated Engram that drops old sheet, right? Instead of the engram, he should sell a card (Let's call it "Done, Done, and Done") that guarantees you an exotic at the end of completing [b]ALL[/b] of the activites for the week (Raid and Dreaming City stuff too). You go about filling up the card progress and once done, you turn it in to Xur for an exotic. But the engram can spit out old [b]AND[/b] new exotics. Personally, I used to do the activities as well... Even the bounties but man, oh, man. There really is no incentive to complete them. If Xur sold a card like that, you can catch me doing the Nightfall. Doing Crucible. Completing everything. Since the exotic loot pool would include old exotics too, the card should be available to purchase across whatever characters you may have. I main a Hunter so that would give me a reason to use my Warlock and Titan (Don't even think my Titan is leveled all the way up come to think of it). Just an idea anyway.

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