originally posted in:Clan Finder
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Looking for a clan to do the raids with. Have raided most of D1, and some Leviathan. Came back in Forsaken. All characters 600+
(PS4) TOGETHER LIKE IRON BOARDS ARE LOOKING FOR RAID PLAYERS!! Sick and tired of clan members not participating in raids, milestones and crucibles? Looking for an active mature (18+) clan with a strong community? Find that clans are not in your timezone? THEN LOOK NO FURTHER! -Active clan/friendly community from UK -Weekly clan engrams -Weekly milestone clears -Teaching/experienced raid clears for LAST WISH -Casual and Competitive crucible runs for BROADSWORD, LUNA'S HOWL and NOT FORGOTTEN! -Prestige Nightfall clears -Pinnacle weapon grinding for NIGHTFALL, GAMBIT AND CRUCIBLE All we ask is that you are active on "Discord" to communicate with other fellow clan members and are willing to help. If you get help then we expect you to return the favour and help others! https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3064152 "WHERE WE IRON AND FOLD EVEN THE TOUGHEST OF ENEMIES"