When I first got oath keepers I was excited to get them and use them with wishender when I got it, but instead of fixing them you decided to remove the ability that made them so useful. The only benefit indefinant draw hold has if you are sitting around a corner in pvp just holding the arrow waiting for someone to walk up, but in pve that is completely useless as i don't tend to hold an arrow very long instead I am hitting enemies as fast as I can draw the arrows. I really want the draw speed perk to comeback either with the draw hold or to replace it as I feel decreased draw time is a much more beneficial perk for both wishender and other bows. I do get the idea behind having the indefinant draw hold for wishender is just constant wall hacks, but in pve that just isn't worth the exotic slot for armor. Even in pvp I feel that with guns like Lunas howl going around giving wishender with oathkeepers an decreased draw speed will ultimately give it a much more of a chance in a fight instead of playing peek a boo every fight. Plus it ultimately is taking up both exotic slots for armor and weapons so why not make that much more rewarding to people that run that.
No, really? I thought holding your arrow indefinatly was so op and good that bungie deserved their Blam sucked. But really you should know that a 900 draw time bow or a bow under 500 would be able to draw and shoot 2 bow shots in 1 second fully charged. The 900 would shoot like a 450 and a 450 would shoot like a 250 or 300. Dunno man, maybe bungie should make bows too good. Or just let them be in the dust. I mean the new bow would be op with oathkeepers anyways. Who would want a bow that not only draws fast but can shoot really fast as well with burn damage? Not me.