originally posted in:Clan Finder
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Started playing this a little over a week or two ago and would like to get into a group that actually starts doing endgame content. A Little info about me is that I was a top 500 OW NA Player who has played on quite a few competitive teams so I understand Comms and the importance of teamwork, However my experience with Destiny and its raids are minimal at best considering im at LL 515 as of writing this, but the grind is of no real issue, as is the ability to learn and play raids, pvp, gambit, whatever you wish. Post your clan info here and whatever you require, I do want to have a second to go over any clan that wishes for me to join with them so I would GREATLY prefer you list everything required etc HERE rather than invite me directly in game. I would greatly prefer full on hardcore Hobbyists than Casual Players but Casual Clans can post here just its very unlikely I will take you into consideration.
Glotchholes is looking for Guardians that play weekly and like to get all the Powerful drops. We are a small clan (10+) members looking to grow a few bodies for people that enjoy running strikes, crucible, raids, forges, thrones and endgame content weekly and enjoy playing almost daily. We are most active from 4 pm EST to 12 am EST but we do have members on at different times depending on situations. If you are looking to become semi-hardcore please join the clan and let's end this darkness and bring forth the light. https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Index?groupId=1318586