Salutations fellow shitposters, chronic master baiters, story artisans, sock monkeys and troll people. After a year, floating in the the recesses of the abyssal void, I have found my way back to the commonwealth of the Grand Republic of OffTopic.
It's good to see a fair number of familiar faces in wake of the [i]devastation[/i] one dreaded day in February is responsible for. A lot of good users were sent to the gallows that day—accounts were cut down in their prime and before their time by the merciless cold steel of the bungo guillotine blade—a day that rests in the Hall of Infamies.
But, despite the sounds of the chopping block that echo out from the dark past, it's refreshing to be back amongst the insanity of OffTopic, once again.
My story isn't unique, but I've come to know a lot of really -blam!-ing cool people through this place—people that I am exceptionally glad to have had a chance meeting with, through the sheer and unconventional dumb luck that makes this sub-forum such an unusual diamond in the rough.
[spoiler]I want to give a shout-out to the crew in Nexus青. Thank you for being the line and tether that drew me back to this special little bastion of chaos, and thank you also for blathering whimsically into a state of mania on our daily descents into the psychic spiral of chronic neurosis. I find that credit must be given where credit is due, and this is just a reminder that you guys are truly -blam!-ing awesome.
Also, congratulations to you, Cell-3, on the election and for becoming OffTopic's first robot-o-tronic president. You stand amongst the giants.[/spoiler]
So, here's to you, OffTopic. And here's to you wonderful fools that keep this place the surging, beautifully ludicrous vortex of insanity it deserves to be.
[spoiler]my nama jeff[/spoiler]
... Hi Jeff!... [spoiler]not included in the DLC[/spoiler]