Things get interesting here, and deep/complex... (INTENSE SPOILERS FROM HERE)
The Prison Break was caused by Variks, his delusions of a unified Fallen house are theorised to be amplified by the powers of the last surviving Ahamkara, Riven of One Thousand Voices, who had been taken by Oryx, Savvy, or Quria. Riven also seduced Prince Uldren, who was not dead during TTK, he kickstarts Forsaken and things start. We face Riven after communing with Mara who also is not dead, and after facing her Techeuns, who also also are not dead, but Taken, but a special Awoken Taken... blah blah paracausal semantics who cares. After that, Riven grants one [b]Last Wish[/b], to a Taken ruling entity. This sequence of events kickstarts the Dreaming City’s Curse, where Time itself folded back over itself and created a localised time loop, a large card in Savathûn’s final hand.
[quote]Verse 154i:4 - Call the Thrall
“From a random crypt, Savathûn selected a young Thrall and summoned it into the High Coven. It came hesitantly, fearing death, but nonetheless it came.
"Come, come," snapped Savathûn. "Listen as I reveal unto you my design. You are aware that gravity is the curvature of spacetime, and where gravity is powerful, time itself slows."
The Thrall indicated that it understood, more or less, for it was a singer of prayers and not well fed with the fruit of the knowledge of physics.
"Now I have tried to put an Ascendant in orbit of a black hole while its spawn gather the tribute of an eon. But the worm is not satisfied, for it sees the trick. What I must do is amplify the speed at which tribute is gathered. A pocket world where time passes quickly would do well. Or a world where time is a torus and infinite violence might be gathered. With such a murder battery, I could become a being of supreme insight."
The Thrall indicated it was confused, but not lost.
"With this tribute, I shall undertake a mighty work. A real humdinger of a scheme. I'm going to refinance my entire existence. I'm going to move from an existential economy based on the accumulation of violence to an existential economy based on the accumulation of secrets and the tribute of failing-to-understand-me. I shall name this tribute of failing-to-understand IMBARU, for it shall be as formless as the mist."
The Thrall held up its claws, as if to say, please slow down.
Now spoke Savathûn Scheme-mother, "In the beginning, Yul said to me, 'Savathûn, you may never abandon cunning. If you do, your worm shall devour you.' Cunning is the use of thought to predict the function of a system. Therefore, wherever a being should attempt to understand me and fail—has my cunning not defeated theirs? Wherever a falsehood is repeated about me, have I not displayed cunning? I shall gather tribute from every false prediction, misguided theory, fearful rumor, and ominous supposition which derives from the thought of me. And in time, I shall pin my quiddity upon these rumors. I shall discorporate, so that I exist wherever my schemes and conspiracies also exist. And so I will be immortal, as long as anyone seeks to understand me and fails. Do you see?"
The Thrall demurred, saying that it did not know much of metaphysics.
"Good," said Savathûn. "It's a law of the High Coven that one's sinister plan should be incomprehensible to a Thrall. Do you know why we've come here? If I am to take my tribute from the keeping of secrets… where else are secrets better kept than beneath the event horizon? My brother ruled the flat space of infinity, but I prefer these tide-washed depths… and in time, I shall make them my dominion."
Ur the Ever-Hunger heard this and was pleased.”[/quote]
[b]Or a world where time is a torus and infinite violence might be gathered.[/b] In mathematics, a torus is much like a donut shape, what is spoken here is that if time loops, infinite tribute may be gathered from a place, sounds familiar?
Dûl Incaru, the Eternal Return, Daughter of Savathûn and seeker of the Distributary, is placed into this cycle to die and be reborn, again and again and again, until her goal is fulfilled.
[u]Ada-1 and the Black Armory[/u]
Spider, our acquaintance, whom we would not have met were it not for the events of Forsaken, gives us a card, to the Black Armory hideout under the Tower. Within lies Ada-1, who hates Guardians and yet still consents to build her base right under them all.
Thank you for listening to my rather long Lore for Dummies, it’s my first one so yeah...
Can we just talk about how Savathûn said “humdinger” unironically?