Attention citizens of Off-topic, this is the Brotherhood of Steel.
Since time immemorial there have always been war. War... Wars to conquer peoples, wars to acquire riches or power, and all for the love of self. Humanity has never changed, and war? War never changes.
In times past noble men and women would band together under the virtues of freedom and strength, those times ended when the bombs fell...
But with us, good people, you may rest assured that our shared future as a united race of beings is engraved on steel and bought in blood.
The scourge of the Chinese Communists may be over, but the scourge of human nature, of the war itself, will always loom over our heads.
Stand with the Brotherhood and you stand with humanity!
Stand against the Brotherhood and you stand against the last hope for a rebuilt world.
This is the Brotherhood of Steel, and our legacy... is victory.
Onward to victory!
[spoiler]Ad Victoriam[/spoiler]
I serve the Instidoot.