You realize this DLC just came out right?
You realize Bungie's small team that worked on ROI put a lot of work into more than just the Archon's Forge right?
You realize there's plenty of other ways to level up and get good gear than trying to farm the Archon's Forge right?
Have you considered that [i]maybe[/i] Bungie set limitations on the Offerings and Keys to push you into activities other than just grinding out a single one?
This DLC has plenty to offer, I understand you're trying to get to the highest light level to start the raid and complete objectives in your progress book. But this is the first week of the DLC. There's plenty of time to complete everything before our usual April Update.
Those of you that complain about limitations and restrictions when the DLC is released are the same people that complain about the lack of content later down the line, because you rushed through everything in the first place.
Keep in mind this is a fun game with plenty of offerings and challenges. If you want to make yourself miserable and complain about everything there isn't, then maybe this isn't the game for you.
For once just appreciate what they've made for us and relax a little. It's fun as long as you make it fun.
[b]Edit[/b]: I'm not saying it's wrong to ask for improvements. But when 1000 people post the same topic, it's not just criticism.
There are plenty of topics to speak of that make perfect examples of criticism regarding this.
The above post isn't talking about that. I'm talking about the others that find nothing better to do than complain about the content.
There's a right way and a wrong way to go about things.
I just think bungie needs to be more considerate about the casuals i like the game its really the only game i play but i was looking forward to black armory and the forge and now ive just given up sense theres only so much leveling a causal can do and nobody wants to help with teaching raid half the time im on