<Destiny's universe sets the beginning very close to its real life release date, in modern times. We know what life's like now, and I assume it was the same there in the grand scheme. But it seems we are a LITTLE more advanced pre-Traveler than now, and also overcrowded. My evidence?
[quote]So I'd brought all this information about looking for colleges. I remember we had[b] holograms[/b] floating all around the table while we ate pizza and it was a great time, you know?[/quote]
While that tech is feasible, it's expensive and it isn't perfect in any way shape or form. My next evidence leads directly into the next topic, Moon X.
[quote]Anyway there was this TV playing. And that was the first time we saw it: drone footage from the edge of the solar system. Something had come in that no one had expected. My dad looked up and he just froze, like his mind just flipped on and he was lost. He would get like that.
That was the first time we saw the thing that everyone eventually called the Traveler.[/quote]
However, it wasn't the FIRST time. The first time a human being laid eyes on Moon X was 517 days before the launch of Ares 1. It was spotted near Jupiter, by a couple of its moons, by "Centcom". It was determined to NOT be a moon by Evie Calumet. After the Traveler terraformed two of Jupiter's moons, it disappeared.
It reappeared near Mercury 14 months later, terraformed it, and disappeared again. 7 months later, it popped up near Venus and started terraforming it. Shortly after popping up near Venus, the TV segment described earlier aired. The public, understandably, went insane.
Between day 476 and 90 pre-launch, humanity plunged into a sort of chaos. "Moon X" Cults appeared around the world, one mentioned in New Orleans.
Around 90 days before the launch of Project Catamaran/Ares One, Evie attempted to devise a way to track the Traveler or at least predict where it was going next.
65 days before launch and Dr Mihaylova was recruited into the project and moved to Central Command in Florida.
63 days before and Evie found out it was heading for Mars. Launch date was announced and things started to get going.
30 days before and Evie realized that it was traveling, and should not be regarded simply as an artificial moon or satellite, but an intelligence.
The original launch date saw a major delay. A fire started and Evie died. Hardy, Mihaylova, and Qiao were still set to launch the next day. The crew was given guns JUST IN CASE. Before this time, it seemed the Traveler cults died down a bit. Probably having to do with the mass chaos between them and local governments. One cult that survived was the House of Eternal Travel.
Upon arriving to Mars, aw hell we all know the cutscene. It's the first Destiny cutscene ever!
AFTER that, the Traveler was brought to Earth and the Golden Age started and woah man we have some shit to discuss and a lot of shit to type.
Part 2 - The Golden Age:[url]https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/250309092[/url]
The Collapse: [url]https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/250309409[/url]
Any thoughts, did I get anything wrong, etc.?>
Um no the traveler was not “brought” to earth it came to earth. It was and is not ours to control. Remember the whirlwind? If the traveler wanted to it could leave us right now since it is fully functional and awake again.