It's too bullshit. Got another duplicate. -blam!-ing bullshit. I'm just trying to get one eyed mask
Queue all the Bungo Fanboys: “That’s not how RnG is supposed to work” “Another casual trying to ruin the game” “You asked for a grind and now you have one”. I’m sure there’s more assanine canned responses I’ve left out, but you get the idea.
Earlier I posted my tinfoil hat said that Bungie nerfed my account because I badmouthed then on the forums. I've had no exotic for several weeks, save for that stupid sparrow. So, I called out Bungie on the forums and said prove me wrong. Lmao just got Two-Tailed Fox playing Gambit. Scully Says it's just coincidence but Mulder tells me they're watching. The truth is out there, guardians...
I reckon the Trickster's plot succeeded. Every time I pick up an exotic engram it explodes, killing my hopes and dreams of getting an exotic I don't have. I do seem to get a lot of exotic drops compared to other people (maybe because I play more hours or I'm good at farming them, but maybe not too). I feel a little bad complaining in the same thread as someone who got no exotics for 4 months, but I've had 3 Hard Lights, 2 DARCIs, a few Sweet Businesses etc. It is still disheartening because duplicate weapons are useless.
Edited by PkmnGymLeader: 12/29/2018 4:17:38 PMThere are a few problems with removing duplicates. 1. It would make fated engrams useless 2. It would make players expect a new exotic every time, so the excitement of getting one would be almost gone.
Got a duplicate gear exotic as final chest for 1st SotP clear. When I don't have 2 other forsaken gear exotics. What a joke.
But then everyone would eventually get everything. We don’t want that. Not everyone is supposed to get everything
I wish exotics had randomrolls beside their Default perks. that would make getting exotic a little more exciting again
Whats the point of RNG of theres no chance of you failing it.
by doing so once you've received one of each you would never get another exotic, see the flaw there?
You're playing the wrong game, that's not how loot-based games work.
What I like is all the exotics i've been getting have all been as a hunter, the wonderful: Knucklehead Radar Every Damn Time For At Least The Past Four Drops Across The Week Worse, almost within same light level as last one...and I swear rolling into a Legendary still needs "Enhancement Cores" (or my mind is making that up, so...idk?) I'd like it if I would get other class items, or weapons to throw into...
Or at least make the duplicates armor so at least theres a chance we get a chance for a roll on exotic armors we like...or just bring back glass needles
I have all the exotics from just doing anything milestone related. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I only get year one exotic lately, stupid ones like the aeon safe whatever crap.
[quote]It's too bullshit. Got another duplicate. -blam!-ing bullshit. I'm just trying to get one eyed mask[/quote] I'm in the same boat. I still have plenty of exotics left to get and 7 of my last 9 drops have been duplicates. The RNG is BS, especially because Xur doesn't sell/drop the new gear. I thought they were supposed to have fixed this shit.
Eververse has that prismatic thing. I’m so annoyed that I would pay 500 silver per roll to get a new exotic, I mean the Korean Destiny sells the Exotics outright. So imagine saving tons of frustration and annoyance but the counterbalance is 5$$$... I might even be okay with 2 new Exotics in the prismatic matrix a week and the rest are old armor Exotics with random rolls. I’m just stuck in the leveling process and the carrot seems to be getting too much out of reach that I’ll be okay with making this kinda like the Korean version but place 2 new Exotics in the prismatic matrix. 😢😩 Have a nice day.
It’s going on 4 months since Forsaken released and so many people are still unable to get certain exotics it’s f’n ridiculous. One Eyed Mask won’t drop for me and I have played 6-12 a day almost daily. I do all my milestones except I skip PVP if I’m playing alone, have 32 Last Wish completions, 8 SotP completions, have all the Forges unlocked with multiple completions and over 40K Triumph score. I don’t see how it’s possible that it hasn’t dropped yet. Please for god sakes Bungie let me get this helmet so I can play more on my Warlock and Hunter. 😥
I don’t think it should be removed but adjusted. I only need one more exotic for my Titan and warlock, but every time I get an exotic on either of them it’s always a duplicate. Duplicates should start dropping after you have all the exotics
Life is full of duplication - Bumgie
My last 15 were dupes Nf dropped 2 exotics both dupes and lower than my light level
Bump. last two i got were the war rig on tue night i had one drop in a forge. And then thursday eva gave me one from her milestone. back to back and it was my first exotics since before thanksgiving. This is sad af.
i dont mind dupes as long as old/new exotics are at diff drop rates. im basically saying give us dupes but dont let that affect the drop rate of ones we do need. i have some exotics i like but with shit rolls so i dont mind having another go. basically we just get more exotics in general. but yeah i still need the exotics i wanted first out of this new lot although i have a fair few now. got a few over xmas.
Haven't really been having them drop ..but when they do they're new.
4 duplicates this week again 2 gemini jesters a jade rabbit and sealed ahamkara grasps while im missing like 3 weapons and 2 hunter armor pieces. feels great to waste your time getting shit youll dismantle seconds later
Agreed. Got first exotic engram in months (and I play A LOT) and it was a duplicate telesto. Not even forsaken!!!