People, Blade Barrage is not OP, the top 10 players in the world are dominated by Titans.
Blade Barage doesn’t track, doesn’t have a massive AOE, and can’t kill you through walls, and you can’t go running around with it throwing it at people getting multi-kills in one go.
It doesn’t last, and it’s can’t do anything but kill if the Hunter is facing a person.
I am so tired of people complaining about BB... it’s not OP, it’s the only super the Hunter has that is worth its salt in comp.
Yes, you have Gunslinger, but that’s a one vs 1 attack, you can kill multiple people if they stay still long enough.
The Titans Hammer Strike is a “you can run, but you’ll die tired.” super.
The Warlock has Stormcaller.
The Hunter has Gunslinger, but none have the AOE of hammer strike.
The point is that each type of player has an OP effect, you just need to know how to use it.
If you think the hunters are OP, then why don’t we see more in game?
So please, complain, rant, rave, bitch, moan like a little school girl taking it from their headmaster.
I’ll feed off your hate mail and tears of regret and anger that you didn’t kill me, because I was lucky you stood still long enough to be killed.
So can we talk about the people who effectively do the same when the game being made to play competently happens? Yeah I don't imagine that's fair.