This is Head Paladin Ringer of the Brotherhood of Steel. I have received orders from the Lost Hills Council to attempt to gain a foothold and place in a particularly dangerous corner of the Wasteland known as "Off-topic" .
Me and my contingent of BoS troopers have already encountered strange mutations unrecognizable from the human race from which they sprung. This being said, I am pleased to report that we have encountered several wastlelanders with an interest in our way of life.
They are as follows:
A midsized Dragon
A Mandalorian
And a Spartan.
These three have been inducted into our ranks and have gained the honorary title of "Knight". Ad Victoriam, Soldiers!
There were several others who expressed sentiments positive to our mission.
Unfortunately we also have encountered an alarming degree of pro Institute and Legion mentality. We shall have to deal with them if we are to gain a strong foothold.
I also encountered a pleasant ghoul who called himself a "xombie". After fighting with him for a time we came to an understanding. Unfortunately, he is no longer with us, rest his soul.
We are continuing our recruitment efforts and will continue to update our progress in the main terminal.
[i]Always Invincible![/i]
[spoiler]Semper Invicta![/spoiler]
Edited by Batpug74: 1/1/2019 9:31:48 AMWhy must you hurt the poor synths like this? They aren’t all bad. Some are just confused. Some are CHILDREN. Would you kill a child O Brotherhood Knight? [spoiler]Greetings from the Railroad [/spoiler]
Down with the brotherhood
Emperor Calus wishes to ally with you. [spoiler]Praise Calus![/spoiler] [spoiler]Ad Victoriam![/spoiler]
Tell me more about this brotherhood. *Puts Hand on a sword hilt.*
Edited by TexasJedi_705: 12/31/2018 9:24:00 AM[spoiler]Hello [/spoiler] Can I join?
Khorne wont let me join other organizations. Otherwise I'd join.
Literally who and what army? Why have you volunteered my interest without my command? How shall I even benefit from this foolishness?
[u]Incoming message from The Foundation: Site-OT[/u]: So this is Foundation director Dr. False here to say hey, welcome to the lands of Offtopic. If you see something that doesn't make any sense, either we're having a containment breach or we should probably swing by to pick that up. If it's a memetic or cognito hazard, whelp have fun with that. Maybe not look at it or something.
No u!
I would join, but the Brotherhood I know would probably just dismantle me.
[b]Do YoU hAvE tEcHnIcAl DoCuMeNtS fOr Me?[/b]
And crown thy good with BROTHERHOOD!