>be me
>be invading
>three kills
>drifter pulls you back and congratulates you
>you are such a smug bastard that you threw a voidwall grenade before going out
>perfect wallbounce angle
>army of one in my own realm
>drifter goes apeshit
Only in Gambit, love the mode.
Played yesterday, and saw something that, if it was intentional, was fantastic strategy. I invaded, and killed three people on the other team (go Hammerhead!). Fourth guy had twelve motes, and as I was trying to get a line of sight on him, he ran towards me, while keeping hidden, and as I started shooting towards him, he revived one of the other guys, who popped up, and became his meat shield, and when that guy died, it sent me back to the other side, since that was four kills, and he got to keep his motes.