Title basically.
I wonder because for me, a special date is not important in any way, I just "celebrate" it because my family does and I need to host it at times, but in the end I realize I just don't care strongly enough whether the date changes from 31 to 1 once again.
I noticed it's mainly in older generations like my mom's and grandma that things MUST be celebrated on the exact date.
Another reason why celebrations mean close to nothing for me at least, is because I dont think we need a specific date to care for things.
Anyway here it is to those of you being excited and celebrating, a happy new year, and I could wish you a happy life in general!!! ✨
Suffering. Traffic, pushyness, ingenuine behavior, re-ligious expectations, over spending, over eating, not enuff time... etc... I loved the Holidays when I was young. Now I grieve. I wish to celebrate Festivus, seriously because I have a lot of grievances with "you people"lol. Holidays suck, all of them. Except maybe St. Pattys day. Green beer.
Holidays are times when most people can take time away from their jobs, and spend their time with the people they care about. That’s what holidays mean to me I don’t care about Jesus’s wrong birth date, the new year or the Easter bunny; I care that I’m able to spend time with my family and friends.
More seasonal item end caps I have to steer around at the store.
Eating, chilling. But now I weigh 2 kg more noooooooooo damn you christmas chocolate
You can’t beat doing nothing for a bit.
holiday = a paid day off... those are rare where i work
A holiday for me is a respite from the grueling boring weekdays. I enjoy celebrating because I get to see my family no matter what their standpoint is with each other.
1 or 2 days off work, and a rare opportunity to sleep in.
Christmas is presents day, the day after Halloween is cheap candy on sale day, thanksgiving is ham and gravy day because i don't like turkey, and some of those random holidays are staying home from school days. Yep, that's what holidays mean to me
If it's not Halloween then I don't really care.
Edited by Loot: 1/1/2019 1:06:59 AM... I just like a date to look forward to, because you will know one good thing will happen that day... [spoiler]not included in the DLC[/spoiler]
Ogma: Destroyer of Worlds
Pursue happiness with diligence. - old
Nothing much, really. I participate in festivities for the sake of family, but I don’t ”celebrate” it. -
Family: Christmas is on the way! Christmas themed stuff yay! Me: Mint coffee at Dunkin Donuts is back in? Time to pick their minds for gift ideas again..