Kinda crippled. We had to recover from the 2/7 Purge, since many users have left us (now it's Xombie). I have to say, we've all been able to bond together to become a "family". Now that it's 2019, I really have a feeling Offtopic is gonna get worse.
Who knows, it'll probably be Cell, or Death, or even Liam_Gue...maybe even me, that'll be leaving Offtopic this year, but who knows? We'll just have to see....
I like to come back just so I can leave again. #EdgeLordsUnited
*sniff* You mentioned me. *wipes away tear* I can tell you that I’m never going to leave and I’m never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you. Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye, never gonna tell a lie and hurt you.
Idk who those people are that you listed.... People come, people go....c'est la vie
It was another year in a long line of years. But, yeah, 2018 for this particular forum was probably the least active and fun since launched.
There’s a lot of assholes here nowadays There’s a lot of nonassholes. I’m considering muting all the assholes so I can have fun
I was pretty inactive the whole year, especially since 2/7 got rid of most of the people I liked on here, but I've been more active the past few days because the toilet I usually shit on is in a bathroom that's being renovated, so I'm in the other bathroom that has no wifi until that's done. And this is the one thing on my phone that barely uses any cell data.
What I think is funny about 2018 is I completely missed my 7th Bungie birthday and obligatory 7th-year post about it. I'll just have to do that this year instead. I rarely ever post anymore because of school and business in general, but I'm still here.
I’ll probably leave by the end of the year. Ehhh idk.
It was very needy for attention.
When you say family, you’ve encompassed why I stuck with you all for so long, albeit lurking. I’ve never seen people come together like this over the internet, and I think that’s a really beautiful thing. We’ve made a society here.
Me leaving? Idk
Let's see if we can get this Trending.
Sad day. But I’m glad I joined offtopic