Light 617 only Hunter. Play roughly 3-5 times a week. Not a big fan of crucible, but that could be because I've always been solo. Never done a raid cause I've never had five people to run with.
Psn - Boom_Heed_Shot
The Nyx is a US based ps4 clan looking for active members. 18+ only D2 only All light levels and skills are welcome. We are not try-hards but we are active We run pve, pvp, raids and crucible This is a Male and female clan so being respectful is a must Mic is required for clan activities. We all have families. Please expect background noises. Please no ragers There is a 14 day purge for inactivity. If you need to be away longer please message a admin in discord and let them know. We do not need to know why, just how long you will be gone. Discord is mandatory. That's where the clan communicates. You will be required to register. The link is in the d2 clan chat. **You will have 48hr to join discord and register or you will be removed.** If you do not have the companion app I will send the link in a message for you. Please come and join and help the clan grow![/quote]
Lt. Elhew's Marines only has 4 pairs of combat boots to fill. Why not try on a pair and see if they fit. 18 to enlist. PS4. Must be an English speaking mic user! We do all endgame content. PVP and PVE. No Marine is left behind! Put Lt. Elhew's Marines into your clan search. Next inspect clan. Then request to join. Semper Fi.
Edited by I-Amino-I: 1/1/2019 7:46:07 PM[PS4 / DISCORD / U.S. Based] I am the leader of the U.S. based PS4 clan: The Salty Dingos’. We are a brand-new clan that is currently seeking startup members, server admins, and Sherpas! We are aiming to be a laid-back social clan that will keep our numbers between 50 to 100. We need Sherpas with strong knowledge in raid, PVE, and PVP activities. We need Discord server admins who would be responsible for maintaining order. Most importantly we need members! Dudes’ and dudettes’ that are all around awesome to play with. 1. No prejudice of any kind is allowed. This is zero tolerance and you will be banned immediately. 2. There is no age requirement to be in the clan, but we expect everyone to not act childish. 3. Discord is REQUIRED. Failure to join Discord within 48 hours of being accepted into the clan will result in a kick from the clan. 4. Rules are further discussed in our Discord. Please visit our clan page:
Darkness Arrives PS4 D2 only 18+ Mic required for raids <------ Discord Required <------------ Having Fun Required <----------- We are a very helpful and have very proactive members with experienced admins. We have a very well setup discord server(im a bit ocd). Discord is required no exceptions. We are 18+ only. We will take all experience levels. We all like to help each other out with getting things accomplished. Always pay it foward and everyone gets help. We do purge inactives. This is so there are always people to help. We are world wide everyone is welcome. Know enough english to communicate. Family always comes first before the game no matter the activity being done. Come join us, come be part of an awesome team. Very laid back clan, no out of the ordinary requirements. Just that Discord is required. That is where all clan text chat and help is setup at. All speak chat is done through psn party chat. All 4 clans use 1 discord. TLDR: any experience accepted, 18+ only, discord required, family always first, and have fun Darkness Arrives NA Darkness Arrives Darkside NA Darkness Arrives X NA Darkness Arrives UK EU time zones.