Whether you cry out "OP" or shout "Git Gud" from the rooftops, there is no denying that pinnacle weapons are causing quite a stir within D2 PvP. There is also no denying that seeing the exact same load out so many times in a row is boring (Dust Rock, Luna's, Wardcliff/Thunderlord). So how do we fix this? While I'm posing the question to everyone, I have my own answer as well.
My personal answer is to make better and more varied maps. Currently, we only have three or four maps that offer any real variety in sight lines and game plays, and of those maybe two are good. This leads to most engagements happening where Luna's reigns supreme, or within saltgun range. By having maps with more varied sightlines and game play, it could really help players not feel as cramped and forced into certain playstyles. Also, general buffs around the board to things like Auto's, Scouts, SMG's, and Sidearms could really open up game play alternatives.
That’s why I loved iron banner simply because I did not run into any meta tards it was brilliant every iron banner match was a laugh. No shotgun lunas howl load in sight it felt like old school destiny Pvp.