originally posted in:Clan Finder
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2 active 30+ adults looking for new clan. We almost always get left out of raids or group PVP activity with our current clan. Often times we will be in the middle of an activity and clan members will jet on us. :/ husband and wife team. We are totally a packaged deal. We play almost daily and have completed D2 raids 1 or 2 times at most because we get left out. He pefers PVP. I prefer PVE but both of us will play both if needed. We have a 3rd member that may follow. I have a 650 Hunter and a 648 Titan. Just started leveling my Warlock. Husband has a 650 titan and just started leveling his hunter. Our potential 3rd has a 650 of all characters. We have sherpaed people through almost everything D2 related EXCEPT the raids. We all weekly complete all powerful gear objectives regardless of needing them or not. Just looking for a group that will play and assist. We understand people would prefer to play with their friends and such, which is why i say we are a packaged deal. Anyway, thanks for reading all this nonsense. :)
During D1 I was an admin for one of the Dads of Destiny clans. My son started playing and he wanted to form our own clan together. The things family does right? I'm glad that I did that with him and I couldn't agree more with your package deal approach. After season 3 most of our clanmates just dropped Destiny and quit... I'm trying to rebuild what we were working on and hope to make it more solid then before. Anyway, I would like to offer to get together in a party chat and a fireteam and just play a while. I hope you two (or three) take me up on that and I get to meet you. Feel free to message me any time. Clan or no clan, I'm still always looking for people that have fun playing and don't feel that they somehow have too many friends on here. https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/250427832?page=0&sort=0&showBanned=0&path=1