I decided to go for the wayfarer title, and am currently missing two braytech weapons (the scout and auto rifle), which you can only unlock from schematics in the nodes. After using hundreds of keys and not getting a single one (thanks bungie), i have ran out of stems. I have completed lost sectors and patrols, and am not getting any stems to drop. anybody know why?
Hi Altons. Thanks for reaching out to us about your issue. I see in another reply that you don't have the Nascent Dawn quest. In that case, you may want to perform a [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/46501]scan and repair[/url] in the Battle.net app to see if that may help with your issue. If that doesn't work, delete the following local cache/settings directories: [quote] [quote][b]– %APPDATA%\Bungie\DestinyPC[/b][/quote] [i]More information[/i]: [spoiler][b]*WARNING* Deleting these will cause you to lose persisted settings, such as logged in users, keybinds and graphics settings in Destiny, etc.[/b] [i]The directory names above are actual paths that can be used in Windows Explorer. For example, if you enter "%PROGRAMDATA%" in the Windows Explorer address bar, it will automatically take you to C:\ProgramData (default), which is a hidden directory.[/i][/spoiler][/quote]