[quote]An eagle screamed over head. The sun beat down with the weight of Olympus. As i laid on the dune, lips cracked beyond recognition, I rolled the cylinder of my revolver, counting the rounds. Four remained. One was spent on a rattler in the brush, another, on a creature from the salt mines.
I spent two days rambling around the desert looking for a drop. People talk about the feeling of your throat turning to parchment, but the worst feeling for me was my lips, first they chapped: then they cracked, oozing blood, i spent every waking second runnin' my tongue o'er my lips in a futile attempt to moisten them, every lick returned with the iron taste of blood, and the feeling of my lips getting harder, smaller, and more cracked. One morn' i woke up and my lips where fused together by the spittle and blood, i wrenched them apart, losing my bottom lip in the process. I found water the next day, nothin' more than a muddy stream, nothing like the glorious rivers of comments OffTopickles used to crowd around in the old times.
I woke up the next day, puking my stomach out, all that muddy water don't sit well on an empty stomach. That is where i found the rattler. I knew they're around. I could hear them shaking their tails ever now and then, so i waited. After two hours under the unmerciful sun, a snake emerged. Before i knew what i was doing, i had shot the head right off it. Roasting that poor snake o'er the fire was hard work, but how could I compare the scraps of meat to the lush fields of shitposts in yonder times. The snake just couldn't match up with the flavor.
Ammo was rare in those times, when i snatched the gun-belt off of the ashes of slim, all i had was those few bullets in the cylinder. Back before the purge there where up/downvote factories that produced more ammunition than you could dream of, but times have changed, every bullet counts. Just after I gobbled down the few scraps of nourishment I heard a familiar sound. A raging screech akin to the sound a twelve year old makes when he doesn't get his way, pealed over the brush. I knew that sound from the campaigns in the salt mines. One of them was here. I rolled off my butt to a low crouch and started scanning for the beast. I heard barely a shuffle in the sand before the ugly monster crashed down on me.
It was an irrationally shaped bundle of salt encrusted tendrils emanating from a dark and sickened fur lined core. It flailed those tendrils with deadly accuracy at anything in sight, striking a promethean fire box, and a sleeping simulant through the heart, wrecking them forever. With a blur, i drew, aimed, and fired a shot right through the core of the beast, shattering it forever. It exploded in a ball of horrible hatred and covered my camp with salt. Before i could catch my breath, i had made a run for it. Salt beasts never travel alone.
So here i sit, broken, bruised, dehydrated, within a tickle of my life, and i only have four bullets left.
Four bullets, i think to myself with a malevolent smile.
There are four bandits right over the dune, settling in for the night, and they have food.[/quote]
I hope you liked this most recent iteration of spooky stories, I didn't have much time to write this one so tell me what you think.
© 2019. John "HoTh" McWaters. All rights reserved
Wow dude that was great