Sooooooo does anyone else find this Niobe labs puzzle thing kinda dumb? Why does bungie think we want to watch streamers figure out a puzzle?
Edit: this twitter thread sums up how I feel.
Edit 2: another good article about the problems with Niobe Labs
Edit 3: from Mayhem420 in this discussion:
The last forge will be available at 2PM PST based on bungies twitter
The puzzle is just ridiculous, it should be solvable without turning to the Internet for ciphers or frigging norse translations. This should have been a secret, not an advertised event. Also if the last forge is the same as the others, I'd imagine this whole process isn't going to be a huge let down.
I had the lowest of expectations for the last forge. Even those expectation were not met. The first 3 forges lowered my expectations of Black Armory to the point where I would have expected and welcomed a tedious unlock quest of grinding old content before I can play the new content. This puzzle for streamers is even worse than the previous unlock quests.
What's sad is it's already close to one reset day being wasted just to unlock it. That's time wasted on not only grinding to just "open" the new forge, but also get the weapon ready to even attempt the forge itself. For people with limited time, this is depressing. Grinding to unlock a forge was bad enough, (here's looking at you izanami forge).....but come on now.
The amount of people defending this is astounding. It's pretty -blam!-ing clear it has been designed for streamers and youtubers, so they, along with the thousands of shills watching and helping them, can solve it first. "HUR DUR THERE'S NOTHING STOPPING YOU SOLVING IT FIRST" Yeah, thanks. Hey buddy! There are about 2000 people rioting outside of this government building. Why don't you go out there and break up the riot yourself? "Wouldn't I need proper equipment, an entire armada of policemen, and outside help to do so?" Well yeah....but you CAN go out there and try! As far as I can tell, you ain't solving it either, but just being here on the forums being bungie shills as usual. Also, there are things in the real world that are quite common. Like....JOBS. Or...HAVING A LIFE. Or....uh...different time zones? Nah, that's just something made up by the jews.
Side note, haven’t played in a while been playing a bit of other stuff (a lot of Battlefield V) drop in for one game of crucible and oh my lord I didn’t realize the difference between 60 frames to 30 frames was so damn bad. It was insane. 60 frames plz...
Found out it’s still not solve so hopefully it have been solve when I back from work
it sad i have to wait for someone to solve a puzzle so i can actuallt start playing the new activity myself
So 12% of people that bought D2 have finished the Uldren story and Bungie decides that, the same streamers/no lifers who all dumped D2 when Twitch/Youtube numbers plummeted to all time lows, deserve responsibility for opening the content for everyone else.... Solid work. GG
Yes it is dumb. In fact it is a complete separation of the player base. Niobie labs(or whatever that trash is called) is a big giant puzzle that is hyper complex. So complex infact that people are still trying to figure it out(last i checked). This has essentially given the streamers and no lifers a fun activity to do while we, those other not important people, get to watch other people figure it out so we can do the forge. We literally cannot do anything until the streamers figure out the puzzle so it makes it so one group gets to enjoy themselves while leaving out other players from the fun. Oh and to anyone saying "oh but you can do it to", no i cannot. I am not a puzzle solver. Im not smart enough to understand how these puzzles are done so i have essentially been told by Bungie staff to wait until the real customers finish before i can play. I paid the same amount of money. I gave 110%. But i am a second rate customer to them so i have to sit by and wait to hafe fun. Poorly made trash that only benefits the pockets of high profile streamers aka bungies little -blam!- boys
Wonder how many more people has Bungie pushed towards Anthem Hope the streamers and Bungie are happy together, oh wait the streamers will prob jump ship aswell Well done Bungie
This crap isnt even a "puzzle" it's a trial and error fest
Is it done yet
Yes it's dumb beyond imaginable. No it's not a puzzle it's random code that has to be unlocked by trying all possible variables, but you have very little time and enemies while doing it. It's not fun - we have computers to do that for us. Bungo dropped the ball with this. It's defenetly not worth my money and my time and I won't be doing it.
Worst thing about it is, the forge will just be another kill this and throw ball.
Its just bungie catering to streamers as usual. I mean who else is going to have the time to sit all day and solve a puzzle?... Like 1% of the player base? Thats all bungie seems to care about and not even consider the majority of the player population that is essentially paying their salaries.
Bungie is just incapable to entertain the masses anymore. They are pulling their last possible wallet heists, until September or D3.[
Its official: Destiny is not a shooter anymore. Its a jump and run puzzle action game with slight shooter elements.
Anyone else think bungie should have went with a dungeon to unlock last forge instead of this wildly overboard attempt to make things way more complicated then they should be
The problem with this is the difficulty & the sense of urgency that is artificially created by the streamers desperate to keep audiences enthralled & subscriptions up. Decisions like this place the contentout of reach of the vast majority of gamers who have to work 7-8 hrs a day - the prospect of sitting in front of yet another screen for hours on end and compete with a bunch of streamers who play the game for a living is in no way incentivising or rewarding. It’s self-defeating. The same thing happened with last wish and the commencement of the curse. It is creating a disassociation between the content/story and the playerbase - I don’t want to passively watch another team rush to complete it first. I would rather solve that puzzle & digest that content in my own time but that choice has been taken away. In truth most of us don’t have the time or inclination to solve this ourselves but I wouldn’t mind betting that we would like a degree of involvement! I imagine we will be treated to an unlocked cutscene opening the forge with a degree of fanfare (& yet another trip to Ada-1)- then its back to business as usual for the vast majority of us throwing balls at a monolith... Come on bungie get back in touch with the players before you lose yet another large chunk of us in a months time. Yes some of us may come back for jokers wild but as you learnt with Forsaken a great deal don’t.
It’s pretty obvious at this point what’s gonna happen, some one at Bungie gonna pick the phone up and give *insert nerdy streamers name here* a call...”Psst, try doing this”...... Voila, puzzle solved.
As a casual player I see no problem with this... y’all will just complain about anything.
Excellent point. They've catered to streamers way too hard since forsaken and it's really driving me away
I’ve always maintained, streamers don’t speak for gamers they speak for people who watch others game. As soon as they got there say on the way this game rolls I knew it would focus on making them money from children’s pocket money(subs)
So, I should keep playing Red Dead 2, like I have been? Ifs D2 still an annoying grind fest catered to elitists, YouTubers, and neckbeards?
It wouldve been nice if it was a world event where all the players would do all sorts of stuff that will power up the door. Mini-puzzles/public events etc. That way everyone wouldve been involved. Unfortunately this is just a race of who gets to do it first.
I wasn't at all interested in anthem until today. Can't wait to see it. If it's even a good as destiny, I'll be switching fast.