Sooooooo does anyone else find this Niobe labs puzzle thing kinda dumb? Why does bungie think we want to watch streamers figure out a puzzle?
Edit: this twitter thread sums up how I feel.
Edit 2: another good article about the problems with Niobe Labs
Edit 3: from Mayhem420 in this discussion:
The last forge will be available at 2PM PST based on bungies twitter
I didn't even unlocked the 3rd forge... Why do you guys even care so much about that puzzle? Just go offline and do something in real life or play another game (activitiy) til someone answered all riddles. What's so hard on that? Use your brains before replying bullshit.
Edited by Idek_why_im_: 1/9/2019 8:58:26 AMThis "event (Bungie's words) has now taken OVER half of what the world's first LW run took (LW took 18. This is now at 15). Let that sink in. (Slightly) underlevelled players were able to clear the LARGEST raid in Destiny's history, and the ENTIRE community could get behind trying to do this The ONLY thing people are getting stuck on this time round are BS riddles that are massively long and conflated and just make Bungie look obnoxious af. People struggling? Lets just post on Twitter that it can be solved if "you're smart and brave enough" and that the answers are "easily googable". Lmao ok. You designed the -blam!-ing thing. You KNOW what all your completely random and unrelated shitty hints mean. We dont. Pull your heads out of your asses and stop being so high and mighty about what is a massively trash "event"
Considering the amount of possible combinations between symbols on the floor, symbols on the walls and Black Armory weapons it would take weeks to solve these puzzles. Especially since you will run out of ammo and have to return to orbit to start over. It's clear Bungie is feeding the streamers and YouTube community so that makes you wonder why these puzzles were included. Most likely to keep the streamers and Youtubers who are crucial for the success of Destiny 2 satisfied by giving them free views.
I love how on here, everyone is crying and complaining. Meanwhile, over on reddit, everyone is working together to figure it out. If that doesn't sum up why bungie doesn't take the forums seriously, I don't know what does.
Not only do I hate that I have to go to some streamer's or youtuber's channel just to play the game that I paid real, actual money for... but these puzzles are literally advertisements for their cadre of content creators. Don't want to watch our buddies' videos? Alright, solve this 128-bit hexacodal nonsensical hieroglyphic puzzle on your own, with no hint or key anywhere. Stand on rain, shoot duck, then P, switch to bow, ADS at the tree but don't fire, switch to sniper, then stand on horse. Switch to your warlock and get an etched engram. Decrypt and delete everything and give Ada and 200 silver dust donation. Switch back and redo everything, get to this step, and do the lonely swing emote. Move to the clouds and activate your super. Once it runs out, shoot the + sign and you're done the 1st of 7, 10 barriers maybe? Watch our ad to know for sure.
The same streamers/youtubers that you all depend on in order to progress though this game? Yeah I’m sure you really just despise those guys lmao.
Glad I didn't fall for Bungie's new scam called the Annual Pass. D2 will never touch my PS4 or PC ever again. #BungieMoveOnFromD2
I don't get it. Anyone what to fill me in on what all the fuss is about? I can't be bothered to watch a 10 minute youtube video. Okay so there's a new forge. Or at least there will be once a bunch of youtubers figure out a complex puzzle and unlock it. Then we get access to the new forge? Or do we have to do the puzzle too? I don't see the problem here. Let the no lifers do all the work, I'm in no hurry. What am I missing here?
So you cant figure out a puzzle...therefore its dumb....but youre also complaining about other people trying to solve the puzzle for you....hmm...yeah the puzzle is definitely whats dumb here . This post summarizes this entire forum lmao.
Git gud scrubs [spoiler]Haha made you look[/spoiler]
Edited by Rzuf: 1/9/2019 6:50:15 AMI have to agree this time. Start of Black Armory wast tough but managable but this? oh cmon, some people just wanna to sit and relax in finding new content. Locking it behind absurd riddles is ridiculus. If Bungie wants riddles thats ok, but let it be optionaly, not a wall for content. I was a defender of Bungie, but this time... nope.
Im not defending bungie AT ALL but they are just treating this content like a new raid/dungeon. I never go into a raid/dungeon blind or watch streams, i just wait 3-5 days until a short video on youtube is posted then i go beat it.
Seeing Datto mess up because I'm pretty sure his jump shot hit something he shouldn't have I think summarizes the absurdity of this. Part of an encounter is designed around in air accuracy? Probably the worst part of this game's gunplay?
This absurd puzzle is the last nail in the coffin for D2.I can hardly imagine anyone who can defend this DLC any longer.Timegated content hidden behind one of the most unfun activities I've ever seen Even the most relevant streamers are losing it.......well plaid, designed an event for streamers and they are giving up on finishing it
Yesterday I waited an hour and a half for the Ether Harvest public event just to get my character to the Dreaming City .. I was pissed off about that but hey, it makes you play more to unlock content. So this stupid puzzle is nothing new in doing the same. Its just a whole new level they have taken it to.
Edited by Natedogg7588: 1/9/2019 2:16:38 AMYou have failed your game and your ever declining fanbase with this one. You called it an event when really it was a streamers delight that basically most hardcore and casuals wouldn't even attempt it. This game is failing and you will go down with it.
Great. Now I have to wait that a streamer solves the puzzle that I can finally play??? What a nonsense is this again???
The difficulty of Niobe Labs definitely looks nuts, like a mini-Raid or Dungeon in its own right up to 11. But the Last Wish took nearly a full 24 for just a single team to beat (under-levelled, but still), that changed the Dreaming City for everyone, and it was not long until it became a relative walk in the park once everyone knew what to do. That's Niobe Labs - the real difficult part is figuring out the puzzles. But once those are done and the way to complete them is fully found out, Niobe's Torment should be doable for everyone.
Guy with all 3 guardians at 650 checking back in. If I can't run this before I go to bed I'm uninstalling. Congrats Bungo, I have defended you for a year, I'm -blam!-ing done.
Edited by BC1 Edge: 1/9/2019 5:46:53 AMThe puzzle is actually consistent with the way bungie is trying to make us play. By doing the puzzle it artificially increases our game time, so bungie can claim how successful this has been cause look at the hours people have played.
I've felt this annual pass was a joke since it was released and watching this dumpster fire has brought me more joy than the actual game. It is mind boggling how you can make something as awesome as Forsaken and F up the annual pass so brilliantly. I am in awe of you, bungie, and your ability to just epicly f something up so bad. Bravo...I mean honestly. B R A V O. You took an FPS and turned it into a mix of every game in your attempt to be something different and the explosion of it all is an epic dumpster fire. Not quite Fallout 76 bad, but man, you're really vying for it.
12 hours later and Dattos team still can't get past wave 6......
You all forgot some other big name people watching these streams beyond bungie. Bioware and ubisoft. They're taking notes under the heading, how not to f@#k up Anthem and the Division 2.
And the award for "the company who's most out of touch with the player base" goes to... Yes, player base as in the entire player base, not just streamers and shit who wanted these challenges. You're locking everyone out of new content that we ALL paid for in favour of a challenge to be solved 'first' by streamers yet again. Does it make bungie feel good knowing that now they'll have streamers and content creators (otherwise known as "voices of the community") kissing their ass again till the season of the drifter when we do it all again? Will anyone begin to realise that maybe people who want this aren't truly voices for the community when the majority of us hate the fact that we can't play what we paid for? I'm all for some harder content and all that shit as long as it's fairly accessible to ALL players. Sure I could go give it a try myself but I've got no -blam!-ing clue what the deal with any of these puzzles is, I haven't kept up with them because last I checked the game should be what I'm focusing on, not some extra unnecessary puzzles. It's clearly designed in such a way to help appease the super hardcore players while forgetting the other hardcore players and dare I say it, casual players. Does this mean I want year 1 back and everything to be easy? No. But bungie need to realise that there is a group of players between casual a d the streamer level of hardcore players who have been here since the beginning as well.
Should have been a dungeon.
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