We are monitoring the feedback around this new activity. Thanks for sharing yours.
Another millennial that's going to disgrace medicine!
I'm gen z and I've already received awards for outstanding clinical practice on placement sooo 😉 might wanna not comment on things you don't understand lamen.
Please make d3 pvp with proper servers, it will be esport worthy I hope.
I'm more than certain they don't give a shit about pvp and this stupit 12 ticks / peer to peer system will remain. rip :(
They seriously need to! I’m fed up loosing a gunfight to lag! It’s not “fair” and other games don’t suffer as bad as destiny... shame really
Yes, I feel you. Only advice here - get used to it. It's not the only problem with destiny 2, like [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/250489460]bungie rng and stuff[/url]...
No. It won't.
Your not doing yourself any favours at all Cozmo, if you release new content people want to play it, your in for a shock when more competition from other games arrives.
Anthem the Destiny killer
Pretty sure Destiny is the Destiny killer at this point
This is also true
While I dont think it will kill destiny, some players will definitely move over, bungie burnt a lot of players.
Anthem developers are sending you their thanks, you just sky rocketed their sales LMAO, and at the same time bombed your game into the ground
It's looking real good right now
Edited by fuhd: 1/9/2019 8:00:31 AMAre you "monitoring the streamers feedback around this new activity and will only act on their suggestion"? How do you guys continue to metaphorically flip the bird at your players and think that's ok? You should be ashamed of yourselves and your scumbag business practices
Yea great look after the streamers, screw the rest of us
I've played an awful lot of Destiny - like many others - it's the game I've constantly returned to night after night because I love playing it. But things like this make me want to do something else (also things like waiting on rng to stop being mean in order to earn an in game title but sorry for the tangent). I don't want to wait for the less than top 1% of players (who play Destiny for their living) to unlock content for me or my friends; we paid to play new things not hang around watching streams. You have time to course correct but not much. Honestly if Anthem was out now I'd be playing that instead most likely because of this debacle. I'm just hoping that Bungie isn't in "we already got their annual pass money so who cares" mode; because if you don't change the way this content is being delivered you won't just lose people for just now but come Destiny 3 they will be busy with something else.
Anthem the Destiny killer...I hope they realize how much that game is going to kill this entire franchise.
I think the sad thing is that Bungie built up new good will with Forsaken and the annual pass content is destroying that without something like Anthem coming and players migrating.
clearly i can tell Streamer summit was the worst thing that happened to Destiny. You should do opposite of what streamers suggest. Because they don't care about the game , longetivity etc.. Their only desire and target is to make more money for themselves.
Edited by nichG0D_KlLL3R: 1/9/2019 7:06:21 AMIt's pretty bad when the first thing I thought when I saw this was sarcasm and someone mocking Bungo but then I saw it came from Cosmo. It's sad that that's the stage I and most likely many others have reached when we see those words so often due to issues.
Just call it enhancement labs. You're welcome. 😊👍
Level 6 is Henri!