We are monitoring the feedback around this new activity. Thanks for sharing yours.
Look guys... I'm sure there'll be enough "hardcore" players and streamers that will buy D3 after this to keep Activi$ion and their shareholders happy. Right?
At least one less I can tell you that
Edited by Demon_XXVII: 1/9/2019 5:02:14 AMThey will, from now, be known as '[b]The Nine[/b]'
I think us common folk can see what happened, as sheepish as we may be. D2 was dying, they had the streamers, uh...I mean comminity summit, remember that? The streamers said, hey, why don't you give us more exclusive stuff to do, so we can get views, and all the common folks can envy us and see how great we are. For the most part, the common gamers were locked out Last Wish and now today's crap. I leveled up to do the first forge and grinded like crazy that week, and I got it done on Monday before reset. I don't mind grinding, I don't mind earning things, even in a video game. The way that Bungie has treated a huge portion if it's player base is just disgusting in my opinion. Bungie already has my money for the season pass, but I won't be buying any other Destiny games, enough is enough. I'm sure I'm not the only one.
You are not. I can assure you I am not the typical player that gets on forums to complain about rage quitting a game. I am quitting this one after this shit show
Had a quick look at streamers. Crap 12 hrs in 100s of deaths each what an absolute pile of crap.
fvck off dude.
Absolutely HORRIBLE!
when everyone wanted quests because they liked it, it was wisper of the worm/wish-ender type of quests, those are the quests ppl actually wanted not patrols that are longer, tetris is outdated guys whats up with these black armory puzzles? you give us real exotic quests that everyone actually ment when they wanted quests and more players are going to play your game and not have them runnnin away. what did everyone playing learn after forsaken that bungie got wrong: everyone wants exotic quests, strikes, missions, hord mode that gets harder and harder and harder until you die..., we got none of that except the wish-ender in forsaken quest, im wondering who are you guys listening too exactly? wisper of the worm was a hit why didn’t you guys have that type of quest for every single exotic. or at least half now that be something.
Rofl sorry, i couldn't stop myself from laughing.
Edited by Nugget: 1/9/2019 4:17:54 AMWhen the guys from raid secrets haven't been able to crack the code yet... It says it all. When people say "there is nothing stopping you from going in to attempt it" they are right, there is nothing whatsoever preventing me from attempting it myself, I play often enough and I consider myself to be in the 'hardcore' bracket of players but when the elite can't even gain entry to the forge, people who have studied this stuff like the bible. When the Redeem boys and Math Class have been at it for 10+ hours with an army of twitch viewers posting suggestions in the chat non-stop and they still can't do it you really begin to question your own chances. I really, really hope that whatever lies behind that door in terms of a reward is going to be worth it otherwise I think it may be enough to tip the scales for a lot of players, I hope this isn't one of those situations where Bungie have made a rod for their own back and expected people to have completed this hours ago and now they wait anxiously as the time without completion becomes greater and greater and the forums become more toxic. Hats off and respect to anyone who has the brain box to work this one out.
Just like always.... they are monitoring our feedback.... What a bunch of catering to streamers bullshit. -blam!- the streamers that you so obviously have a hard on for. Streamers are probably the only thing that you cater to more than Pixies and hand cannon users. The next -blam!-ing thing that you do that is geared even slightly for a streamer and I am calling it quits. I’ve supported your game through all of the bullshit, the “we’re listening” comments, and the taking the community for granted crap when my mind was telling me to just be done. When I purchase a game I purchase it with the intent on playing it when and how I wish... not for watching and waiting for some worthless douche’ bag no-life -blam!-ing streamer and their friends to finally figure things out so that I can finally play the content that I paid for, which happens to be the same -blam!-ing content that you give them to play.
You've basically blocked out 99.9999999% of your player base. Are you guys intentionally trying to sink this game to get out from activision control? Anthem is going to kill Destiny once it comes out because of content locks like this. Everyone paid for "new content" and literally only 50-100 people have any chance of doing this puzzle crap.
Saw some of the live streams and didn’t even bother logging in for the day. LOL
Just forged a couple weapons and signed back out, myself.
It's fun not being able to play the content I paid for.
You need to give the guys spending all day and night more clues they are exhausted
So I take it the talk around doughnuts in the morning might be about how this could have gone better????
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. I logged in today thinking i was gonna be doing a quest. I did my two weekly frames and immediately logged off. As soon as i saw that tweet linking to streams my motivation went from zero to none. Just.. give us the friggin quest and let it be over with, let us enjoy the content. We all paid for this, we shouldnt have to wait for streamers to "unlock" it. Please just stop catering to the 10% Jesus Christ. Im honestly tired of all of it this is not fun, what makes you thing i'd like watching people for over 10 hours waiting to unlock this thing? Im just gonna uninstall and go play other things if this approach doesn't change, there are other games coming out. I'm just.. tired. Thanks for ruining the game, I guess.
I'm not sure it would call it a new activity at the moment. Yeah, people will get over it when it's done and be fine doing the forge in a couple days but eleven though many of us love the secret puzzle stuff, this one just wasn't inclusive enough...people want to play the game, not watch others do so...the problem, again, is communication and setting expectations...calling it an event wasn't accurate, tweeting that people should watch the best and brightest attempt to solve it was another mistake...yall get enough nonsense from people about catering to streamers but you go and hand them a lifetime supply of ammo by actually promoting the idea. I'm cool with waiting a day or two to be able to complete this and do the last forge and all, but even I know I'm in the minority there. You guys really should know your audience by now. In case you hadn't noticed, this community is full of people who want to do something the minute it's announced to release. When they cant, you get the uproar that you got at black armory launch...and again tonight. I love the game and will continue to play and support it, im not in rush to get into eveything on day 1 even though i play for multiple hours every day, but for every 1 of me, there are 20 others who want to play something the day it comes out. This kind of event is really cool in my eyes but we need a way for it to include the greater part of the community THROUGH GAMEPLAY,and not by encouraging them to watch others figure it out, because that's all they can do at the moment.
Just boggles my mind. I was addicted to this game for a long time. I'm trying to get back into it but when Bungie puts any type of puzzle including jumping puzzles... it totally turns me off. It's a freaking "Space Shooter"... us average MidWest guys who work all day don't want this shit.
You dont have to do shit. Once someone figures it out you get a free pass.
Oh goodie we paid for content that someone else gets to do for us.
An obtuse puzzle that can't be solved in-game with no supporting story arc to even explain why we're doing this. And once it's been solved, no one else has to do this thing for any reason. Yes, clearly this qualifies as engaging content to keep the whole playerbase going in a game of diminishing returns. /sarcasm
There is a good way to do puzzles and a bad way. The devs consistently choose to do the bad way