We are monitoring the feedback around this new activity. Thanks for sharing yours.
You are stupid. You think i paid to watch other people play? What trash. The Division cant come out soon enough. And oh yeah, im a day one player on D1 who was even on the Alpha. Destiny keeps spiraling down the toilet
15 hours in and now the streamers are also complaining quite alot but Im your you know this already
bla .. no message .. thx
Edited by PilksUK: 1/9/2019 11:14:33 AMIt was put fairly eloquently on the main subreddit, the problem isn't that it caters to a small percentage, its that everyone was expecting content on Tuesday - content that the majority can participate in. Bungie feels like your out of touch with what we want or what I expect is that this was developed without oversight and was allowed to go too far.
its just a shame that for solo players like myself don't really have much of a chance with a great deal of this content making it nearly impossible to complete even like the malfeasance and ace of spades quest line and now this forge and its a shame that us non streamers don't get no recognition when notifying of issues and they should make changes like was done in the ace spades quest to make it easier for solo players and others who have difficulties and anyway that is my feedback I know it don't mean crap but worth a post anyway
It has been proven to be 100% impossible for a solo player due to some of the puzzles requiring near simultaneous shooting from 3 different weapons. The boss spawn in would also be impossible solo after puzzle 5
Standard copy and paste DGAF response
I have a job and family. I don't have time to stream for 19 hours straight just to unlock content I have already paid for. Who the hell thought it would be a good idea to create such mind numbing puzzles and also create this quest without a waypoint/checkpoint? We are all at the mercy of watching streamers on youtube and twitch in the hope that they can solve your cryptic puzzles. What about the solo players? there is no way at all we can contribute to solving this at all, not a single way, apart from hoping on to one of the said streamers channels and contributing via the chat (I had to sub to one of them to enter the chat channel). I am up for solving puzzles I even think it is a good way to unlock new content, but not like this, this is just wrong on so many levels. You have just put a huge focus on your precious streamers and a kind of a screw you to the rest of the player base, Kind of like.... When our streamers have cracked the code and you have finished watching them you can play your new DLC. As a 1000+ hour player of D1 I am loosing interest in Destiny 2 very fast and with stupid stunts like this I am getting more frustrated, with Anthem just around the corner you need to be pulling out all the stops to keep your player base entertained not loose them through content droughts and boredom.
All I can say is bungie uve took this to the dumbest extreme ever. What were u guys on?? I feel for the streamers. Glad I'm not trying it
I don’t feel for the streamers at all, they made their bed with bungie and now they have to lay in it.
Exactly, the same bullsh!t by artificially raising light levels for the raids so that only streamers and no lifers have a chance of completing it early on. Bungie seem to be taking things too far with this bullsh1t. Maybe it gives them a warm gooey feeling sitting there watching some twats on the internet trying to work this stuff out, but for the average consumer, just disappointment at how they seem to think this is in anyway cool or acceptable for the average gamer.
I like it. Keeps the "Instant Gratification" crowd screaming foul while many of us have fun. 10/10
I am sensing sarcasm
I wonder what you bend over and take in real life, roo...
Yeah buy a car paid in full in advance but in order to drive it you have to go on an unannounced quest to find and fight for the keys!
YASSS! Since we have the LMG/AUTO/SWORD/HC/SNIPER/BOW/PULSE Its like we got the Brand new car but we can unlock the ability to PIMP OUR RIDES by way of a quest! LOVE IT!
This is a game, and is meant to be enjoyed. Not even the content creators are enjoying this. Its like waking up to play something new and yall are like "yeah u can play, as long as u can pass this pop quiz". This crap is cute for easter eggs but actual content behind something this tedious sucks.
I don't have a problem with puzzles, but locking content BEHIND it is dumb in Every. Single. Sense!! Give us the puzzle AFTER ffs.....
It’s like giving a child an advanced puzzle and watching him fall asleep from boredom.
I want a refund on my annual pass please
You're messing your game up on purpose. How many times have people got to give feedback on all the crappy stuff you've done!
Blah, blah, blah, did a bot type that?
You suck again. Monitor that.
[quote]We are monitoring the feedback around this new activity. Thanks for sharing yours.[/quote] Serious fail im afraid bungie, for me anyway and i am thinking a lot more people out there as well. I thought that after getting home from work, putting kids to bed etc i would play the new content (i paid for) for an hour or 2 and make some progress. But wait, i cant play it, it has to be unlocked, What!? This is not a community event bungie, this is a streaming event, and some of those guys are getting a lot of money for it, if you want a community event it should have been, in my opinion, something like 20,000 completions across the community of a bloody difficult mission what everyone can do with the equipment and skill that they have acquired grinding the game, an activity that is relevant, i.e you need good weapons, skill, maybe a fire team of three, NOT this, you need a huge amont of time, specific this to do this and a fire team of 1000+ people to work out what to do, that is not what i bought this game for or expected from it. I would like to progress in the game by actually playing it myself and accomplishing things myself or with friends.
You know the puzzle is content right? Like you don’t play Zelda and think the loot in the Dungeon is content ... maybe the word content has to be redefined or a new word has to be used. Because a puzzle is considered content.