It’s REALLY dumb.
Why create this thing only done once , that we all sit and watch unless we have all day to play destiny.
A dungeon everyone can play and repeat would of been much cooler
I guess they’re thinking it would get some cool streamer publicity??? It just reinforces the rhetoric they are designing this game for streamers
Okay wtvr
Don’t f up last word , as all the steamers say it better Damn we’ll compete w Luna and live up to the hype of an 8 hour quest
They've datamined Last Word. It's a 180 rpm. Probably gonna suck. Let's hope they prove me wrong. It'd be a first.
Luna's Howl, Not Forgotten, and Trust are the 3 best pvp handcannons and are ALL 180s, what are you smoking lol
And Last Word is an exotic, which, from what we can tell right now, might be worse than all three of them. It [b][i][u]should[/u][/i][/b] be on the same level, if not better than Luna's Howl and Not Forgotten.
We cant tell anything right now because 0 people have held the gun and shot it.
I know, but on paper it's not looking good. I hope it's god-tier like Thunderlord and Whisper were. But we'll just have to see. Maybe full auto will affect Last Word in the same way that it affects shotguns, making it fire much faster than the listed fire rate.