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originally posted in: Niobe Labs puzzle is dumb.
1/9/2019 3:52:45 AM
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. I logged in today thinking i was gonna be doing a quest. I did my two weekly frames and immediately logged off. As soon as i saw that tweet linking to streams my motivation went from zero to none. Just.. give us the friggin quest and let it be over with, let us enjoy the content. We all paid for this, we shouldnt have to wait for streamers to "unlock" it. Please just stop catering to the 10% Jesus Christ. Im honestly tired of all of it this is not fun, what makes you thing i'd like watching people for over 10 hours waiting to unlock this thing? Im just gonna uninstall and go play other things if this approach doesn't change, there are other games coming out. I'm just.. tired. Thanks for ruining the game, I guess.

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