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originally posted in: Niobe Labs puzzle is dumb.
1/9/2019 4:17:42 AM
when everyone wanted quests because they liked it, it was wisper of the worm/wish-ender type of quests, those are the quests ppl actually wanted not patrols that are longer, tetris is outdated guys whats up with these black armory puzzles? you give us real exotic quests that everyone actually ment when they wanted quests and more players are going to play your game and not have them runnnin away. what did everyone playing learn after forsaken that bungie got wrong: everyone wants exotic quests, strikes, missions, hord mode that gets harder and harder and harder until you die..., we got none of that except the wish-ender in forsaken quest, im wondering who are you guys listening too exactly? wisper of the worm was a hit why didn’t you guys have that type of quest for every single exotic. or at least half now that be something.

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