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originally posted in: Niobe Labs puzzle is dumb.
1/9/2019 4:21:47 AM
I think us common folk can see what happened, as sheepish as we may be. D2 was dying, they had the streamers, uh...I mean comminity summit, remember that? The streamers said, hey, why don't you give us more exclusive stuff to do, so we can get views, and all the common folks can envy us and see how great we are. For the most part, the common gamers were locked out Last Wish and now today's crap. I leveled up to do the first forge and grinded like crazy that week, and I got it done on Monday before reset. I don't mind grinding, I don't mind earning things, even in a video game. The way that Bungie has treated a huge portion if it's player base is just disgusting in my opinion. Bungie already has my money for the season pass, but I won't be buying any other Destiny games, enough is enough. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

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