The hand cannon is trash, another sword wow..... Bow is lame hammerhead can't kill shotgun rushers, blast furnace looses to bygones, no scout rifle no shotgun no fusions, no rockets, not to mention trash perks like disorienting and genissis number 2
Scout rifle, Shot gun, granade launcher to come. We have one more forge yet.
HC is a decent legendary, sword can possibly be one of the highest pve swords damage wise, bow idc for but I'm sure with the right roll is just fine, blast furnace -blam!-ing maps and 2 taps when used accurately, HH is alright with a good roll. All these guns are alright just depends on your roll and intentions. Regardless of that they are all 100% playable.
Hand cannon is godly with the right rolls, hammerhead does great damage output and can still destroy in the crucible(outrages shotguns easily), sniper is really good for pve activities, auto is really good for most activities as a primary(pairs well with Kinetic shotgun) especialky with a rampage roll, with the right rolls blast furnace can two burst outgunning bygones, and all the other weapons you said were missing are in the raid. I have a godly shotgun counter roll on my raid fusion, and from what I’ve heard, the rocket launcher is right up there with bad omens. Scout can be pretty good too, although right now scouts aren’t in a great state, but still good for using in the raid right now to counter sniper vandals Oh and the sword can also do more damage than a sleeper headshot with the perfect roll making it a monster. Not to mention adding synergy with the new black armory mods with are also godly. Idk where your getting your info.
U are not two shotting or even gonna beat a bygones under fire. That destroyed any validation u had,
It can two burst. It’s the right archetype and absolutely can with the right roll.
You can def 2 burst with a blast furnace lol it's a 450 archetype and mine has more range than a bygones ever will plus rampage with up to a 50+ round mag