Sooooooo does anyone else find this Niobe labs puzzle thing kinda dumb? Why does bungie think we want to watch streamers figure out a puzzle?
Edit: this twitter thread sums up how I feel.
Edit 2: another good article about the problems with Niobe Labs
Edit 3: from Mayhem420 in this discussion:
The last forge will be available at 2PM PST based on bungies twitter
And the award for "the company who's most out of touch with the player base" goes to... Yes, player base as in the entire player base, not just streamers and shit who wanted these challenges. You're locking everyone out of new content that we ALL paid for in favour of a challenge to be solved 'first' by streamers yet again. Does it make bungie feel good knowing that now they'll have streamers and content creators (otherwise known as "voices of the community") kissing their ass again till the season of the drifter when we do it all again? Will anyone begin to realise that maybe people who want this aren't truly voices for the community when the majority of us hate the fact that we can't play what we paid for? I'm all for some harder content and all that shit as long as it's fairly accessible to ALL players. Sure I could go give it a try myself but I've got no -blam!-ing clue what the deal with any of these puzzles is, I haven't kept up with them because last I checked the game should be what I'm focusing on, not some extra unnecessary puzzles. It's clearly designed in such a way to help appease the super hardcore players while forgetting the other hardcore players and dare I say it, casual players. Does this mean I want year 1 back and everything to be easy? No. But bungie need to realise that there is a group of players between casual a d the streamer level of hardcore players who have been here since the beginning as well.