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originally posted in: Niobe Labs puzzle is dumb.
1/9/2019 5:46:27 AM
The following is anger and sadness fueled rabble. I hate to say it but why go all in on something like this with seemingly no thought at all? I have been bored since the last forge and have had little to no reason to bother playing destiny which sucks cause I like destiny. I was somewhat keen for something new to do and the labs sounded like it could be interesting but then I jump on and someone tells me that we essentially have no reason to play until someone else does something for us. We all had problems with the last forge quest but at least we could do something. What makes you think that we'd want to wait a couple of weeks for the next content drop so we can not play as well wait for someone else to beat it yet again? Is any thought put into how the community feels or do you focus so much on how the "voices" of the community feel that you forget that we exist? You cannot make the game for those few extremely hardcore players and expect that to sit well with everyone else. Those players do NOT speak for us and never have, they have their own opinions just as we all do. I know that looking to those players makes it easier to help decide what to do next but when you've heard in the past that we as a player base dislike time gates, then base an entire expansion around time gates to help stretch out the expansion to keep us interested while throwing in some other little things here and there, it show that you're really out of touch with your player base, your supporters. If this is what you've done this season and the next expansion is already finished or very close to it, I hate to see what backlash you'll have created for yourselves next. This season you've thrown away story for end game content because people play it once and that's it and you're ignoring the fact that even though most play once, that story is important. Next season will you be stretching out the content again and making it all end game or even worse all gambit rather than tell the story that you've set up? Will we see Shin Malfur as we should or will he be another Osiris appearance? Will we get the story that Shin and the Drifter deserve or will it be another curse of Osiris or worse yet again, black armory? Will we get what we've paid for? Expansions. Or will we get more "end game" that adds nothing to the game? You'd better make this work cause there will be outrage if you mess up with Shin, I guarantee it. There will be further outrage if the season of the shadow is messed up and people will not buy whatever comes next. I for one am already questioning the future of destiny in many ways and for the record, I've been around since the beta, I love destiny and the world Bungie have built and would hate to see it ruined... It's out of our hands though, you need to decide just how much you care about the player base, do you continue to gear everything towards end game for the few or do you try to expand on the world and story you've been telling? Please don't screw it up. Sincerely, A dedicated destiny player.

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