It's unfortunately not just casual players who feel like they've been slapped. The streamers are so hardcore that they're on a different level entirely.
There are plenty of us who are hardcore players, I'm in the top 7% of players in time played and that's hardcore and dedication. This entire expansion is a slap in the face. Yes we were told that there's no story and all that shit but there's no excuse for not preparing anyone for anything like the labs.
These puzzles have just kinda been dropped in out of nowhere and the entire thing feels geared towards those who race for world's first.
This game shouldn't just be a god damned race to world's first for everything. Bungie have lost sight of what's really been driving this game forward, those who have been supporting them the most through thick and thin... The players, ALL players.
No tiny ass group should call the shots, no tiny ass group should be the guides for how the game goes. The group who have been using their status to try to help steer the game into eh right direction have done so in such a way that benefits themselves more than the entire player base.
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