So not enough of the player base complete these things anyway. So they basically keep it more of a secret and only tell everyone about it on social media and not through the actual game we’re playing, then direct you to a stream to watch streamers complete it.
Ok bungie. When you’ve quite finished your circle jerk with the streamers, the other 99.9% of the player base would like to play too.
K. Thanks.
There is no proof that Bungie creates content for streamers. Just because challenging content is created and you guys can't figure it out, doesn't mean there is some conspiracy going on. The YouTubers would be crazy to not jump on the latest content for their channel's success. You guys sound entitled. What's stopping any of you from participating in trying to figure it out? Time? A life? A job? Yeah, probably normal things. And yet, YouTubers have a different life because it's their career. Get over it.
You and I could be friends.