It has. Every piece of armor can have any perk, and there are even armor set boni!
We have arnor set bonuses in Destiny 2 as well. They are called "looking like a trash can".
From what I have seen it has a lot more in common with classic MMORPGs than most open world shooters. Defined roles (eg: tank, support, do’s) in multiplayer mode, focus on combos, etc. A lot less of the over-scripted, mechanic-oriented end game encounters that have overtaken Destiny. I love the aesthetic qualities and gun play in Destiny, but over reliance on gimmicks (platforming, puzzles, time gates) just takes away from the core of what it does really well (shooting).
Yes. That is what I am thinking, so much. Destiny has always had the best gun mechanics, and that was my one point to stay. But with Anthem bringing the mentioned mechanics, it is easy to neglect Destiny and its weapons.
Have you seen the combat / gun mechanics in Anthem? They look beyond terrible, watched some gameplay the other day and I’m no longer interested in it.
From what I have seen the gun play mechanics are not close to those if Destiny...I have not seen/played any game that comes close to D1 or D2. I actually see Anthem as more of an action MMORPG than a pure loot shooter. This being the case, based on what has been revealed, Anthem looks promising in that it will allow for character development, team role playing and variable complexity in ways that Destiny currently does not. My primary issue with Destiny is that if feels as though the inherent strength of the game - gunplay and loot questing - is consistently usurped by needless gimmicks like incessant platforming, time gates, puzzles,etc. I play a shooter to shoot things. If I wanted puzzles and platforms I’d just play Tomb Raider.