This is stupid and your ruining your game we wait 4 weeks cause u had a week break and we all get excited 2 do last forge and guess what we cant even excess it cause u put some long quests in so it's even more longer and time gated people don't wanna wait and 2 wait for others crack a code is simply madness you are driving people away from your game with this pointless waited content should done this final forge like the rest of then but less off a final quest steps u need redeploy this forge and make it accessible for everyone we don't wanna sit here wait till someone has cracked we wanna play the content we purchased not wait I am seriously going 2 get refund back if u don't buck up your ideas u don't listen 2 people feedback b.s as you still put time gated stupid quests in the game we want to play content not wait wake up bungie not everyone has days and hours play your game some off us work and have lifes u wont even read half these comments anyway lame product and disappointing long DLC 2 much grinding 4 nothing :-(
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